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After many boring classes, I head out for lunch. We all decide to meet up at a cafe. As I am making my way out of school, I notice a familiar couple making out. Jungkook and Haeun. How sweet. I mentally gag. It is so expected by now, why don't they just have a child already, I bet they probably slept together 1 million times. Like bro chill and get a room.

I make it to the cafe and I see Taehyung, Chanri and Jimin. I smile and walk towards them. "Hey," I say sitting next to Jimin. His face lights up. I blush a bit, and look at him.
"You look cute," he compliments. I just smile and look away. We converse among ourselves. "Hey are you busy Saturday?" Jimin asks rubbing the nape of his neck. "Yeah I am I have that project to work on with Jungkook." I say sadly. "Then Friday night?" He asks again. "Yeah! I'm free." I reply excitedly. I haven't been on a date in a while. Probably since senior year of high school, so I'm pretty excited right now. We finished eating I notice Jungkook never turned up. Huh, probably too busy making out. I sigh and brush off the thoughts.

It's now Friday evening and Chanri is helping me get ready. "I feel like such a kid, getting all excited over a date." I tell her through the door as I'm getting ready. "Well no matter how old you are, you're always gonna be excited for a date." She says. I come out of the bathroom wearing a black dress and a blue jean jacket. I look ok. Not terrible but I'm still ugly. Chanri does my makeup and I leave for my date.

I am pretty excited. What if this is all just a game to him though? What if he's doing this to make another girl jealous. I sigh as a million thoughts ran through my mind. I arrive at the theatre and I see Jimin waiting patiently for my arrival. "Hi," I smile. "Wow, you look adorable." I smile at his compliment as usual. "Let's go," he says grabbing my hand. I chuckle and we run inside.

We finish our movie and I treat us to ice cream. I decided to just slowly eat small bits at one time. So he won't think I'm a a weird pig. "I gotta say this is the most I've seen you eat." He says looking at me. "I just happen to me not hungry at times." I say looking away. "Yeah but you should eat more, it isn't healthy." He says in a concerned voice. I smile and give him a nod. Sadly our date come to an send and he walks me to my car. "I had a really great time today Jimin." I say turning to face him. "Me too," he smiles. "Goodnight Y/n," he says. He leans in and kisses my cheek.

Insecure Love •JK•Where stories live. Discover now