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(P.s play song for better reading experience:))

I slowly remove my glasses from my face and set them on the steps. I carefully walk out into the rain. The drops beating on my now wet hair. My clothes now soaked in rain water. It felt so amazing. I walk towards him. "Didn't I tell you it's awesome." He smiles at me. He steps back and lays his hand out. "May I have this dance?" He smiles cheekily at me. I giggle and reply, "You may," I place my hand into his soft one. He pulls me closer and places his arm around my waist. My other hand resting on his shoulder. Our faces centimeters part. The water droplets running down our faces. He spins me out.

I smile as I come in and hit his hard chest

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I smile as I come in and hit his hard chest. We giggle and laugh together. I haven't felt like this in a long time. Genuine happiness. I've always been so lonely. But he makes me feel wanted..... , needed, .......loved. He stares deep into my eyes. He placed his hand on my chubby cheek and caresses it carefully. He slowly begins leaning in. No Y/n what are you doing? He'll break your heart, he doesn't like you, he's a player. My brain screams you're going to get hurt. But my heart whispers some people are worth getting hurt for. We close the gap between our faces and kiss. He pulls me. Closer by my waist. It isn't a hungry needy kiss. It is soft and gentle. We soon pull away for a gasp of air. I look at him as he grins at me.

We smile and soon attach our lips together again

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We smile and soon attach our lips together again. Moving in perfect sync. We pull away because he notices I'm shivering. "Let's he's back inside, before we catch a cold." I say and he nods. We head inside and I run straight to my room. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in. I kissed him. I kissed him!!! I'm so stupid what is worn faith you Y/n, he doesn't like you, you're just a one time thing. You're just a side chic. You'll never be the one. I mean, look at you, do you think he really likes you, you're an ugly pig, and who wants that.

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