I'm here{54}

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Jungkook and I have been doing great. We go out a lot and we enjoy having each other. I never thought I'd fall in love with him. "Hey Bebe," he pulls me out of my thoughts. "Hi, how was your exam." I ask as be sits next to me. "Actually great! Can you believe it's our last year?" He says. "Ugh I'm so done with school." I say. "Hey when's they trial again?" I ask. "Next Friday, don't be late, and thank you so much for this." He says. "Of course, anytime." I say as he kisses my lips sweetly. "Ugh get a room!" Jimin yells and we pull away. "We need to find you a girlfriend, Jimin." Jungkook says and Jimin chuckles.

I leave school last today since I had exams. I dropped something for my mom at work and I'm on my way home. It's already 7pm. I'm so tired too. That was my last exam so I just can't wait to sleep! Suddenly my car stops. I get out and see that my left tire is flat. Damnit. I call my dad and he says he sending someone to get me. "Hey, pretty lady, what cha doing our here so late." A mysterious man says. Oh god. No no no. This can not be happening. "I'm waiting for my boyfriend." I say, hoping he'll leave me alone. "I don't see any boyfriend," he looks around as he steps closer to me. "Please leave me alone," I say. "What if I don't want to, hmm. All I want is you," he whispers seductively in my ear which gives me the creeps.

"I want to tear your clothes off and see that gorgeous body of yours hmm?" He says standing a bit to close to me. He smashes his lips on my neck. I immediately try to push him away. His grip was so strong. Suddenly head lights are seen approaching us. He immediately retreats his head and I take this opportunity to kick him off of me. He falls to the ground. The familiar figure dashes out of the car. "Y/n!" He calls out to me. My lips quivering in fear, my legs like jelly. "J-Jungkook..h-he." My voice stuttering and my breathing uneven. I am now panting trying to fight for my breath in fear. Tears falling out of my eyes at the thought of what this situation could've been like.

The man sees Jungkook and quickly runs away. "It's ok, shhh, I'm here now, don't be scared, I'm here." He caresses my hair gently calming my scared soul.

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