Love you{45}

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He looks at me in shock. "Really?!" He questions. I look down shyly and give a slight nod. Suddenly I feel myself bolted into the air. He throws me over his shoulder. "Jungkook! My dad is home you know?" I say. "So? I'm enjoying the view," he giggled as he slaps my butt playfully. He tales me to my room and throws me onto the bed. Suddenly he hovers over me making my cheeks go beet red. "You know, you shouldn't care about what other people say, you're beautiful to me," he says. "Easy for you to say, you're so hot," I blurt but instantly cover my mouth to stop it from spitting out my thoughts.

He smirks and looks at me. He kisses my cheek and whispers in my ear, "You think I'm hot princess?" He asks trailing kisses towards my neck. I can feel his breath on my neck, his lips graze my neck gently sending shivers down my spine. "I can be twice as hot you know," he suddenly plants a sweet kiss on my neck. He suddenly stops and pecks my lips. "Let's sleep," he says calmly. What the hell! He does that and leave me here! He lays on his side of the bed with a smug smirk over his face. I scoff, and turn my back, he giggles and throws his heavy arm over my torso. A small smile creeps up onto my face. "Goodnight, my princess." He whispers as my eyelids slowly close.

The next morning I slowly flutter my eyes open. I see a sleepy Jungkook staring at me. "What?" I ask in a tired voice as I stretch my arms out. "Can't I admire my beautiful girlfriend." He smiles. "Girlfriend, so official, I like it." I say smiling at him. "But the beautiful part, I don't think that's true." I say. He grabs my face and brings it closer to his, "You're beautiful and prefect in every way, so, I don't want you saying that or else I'll show you how gorgeous you are," he whispers seductively in my ear. I instantly get goosebumps, he has so much power over me. He giggles. "Do I make you flustered Princess." He bites his lip. "No," I reply abruptly and I get up. "I'm gonna go shower," I say. "Ooo can I come?" He asks with a huge smile. "Nope," I say as his smile quickly turns to a frown.

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