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I awake to the throbbing pain in my head. I hands are tied up behind my back, I'm sitting in a chair with a bright light shining right above me. "Good the bitch is up," I hear a familiar voice say as they step into the light. Haeun? "Where am I Haeun?" I ask. "No where interesting, just the school basement. "Now Y/n, you disobeyed me." She says walking in circles around my chair like a maniac. "I don't have to obey you," I say. "Oh honey, you do, I told you to stay the fuck away from my man, but just had to have him with your flat ass of yours." She spits in my face. "Well at least my ass is real," I shot back. "Don't play all clever for me Y/n, he doesn't want you, he never will! Why can't yo get that into your big head of yours." She yells. "Look at you, you're nothing but disgusting, you're fat, you're stupid, you're a try hard ugly bitch and an attention whore so stay the fuck away from Jungkook," she slaps me in my face. "You need to be taught a lesson." She kicks me in my stomach and I groan in pain. "Come on ladies, let's have some fun." She calls her minions. They come in and strike me with their acrylic nails. They punch my cheek. I taste the saltiness of my blood on my cut lip. They hit me so hard I fall with the chair to the side. The possessed girls still hitting me. "That'll teach you too behave yourself." Haeun scoffs and leaves the basement. Leaving me on the ground, almost loosing consciousness. My ribs are probably broken, my stomach and shoulders covered in bruises. I manage to reach for my phone and call Chanri. "Hello? y/n? Where are you?" She asks with concern in her voice. "The school basement." I mutter our with the last bit of strength I have.

Thankfully Chanri comes really quickly and helps me to the car. "Ughh I swear to god I'm going to beat that bitch and her implant boobs." She yells. "Can we not tell anyone about this." I say. "What? No we have to get her expelled." Chagrin says. "But it's the last semester of senior year, it doesn't matter." I sigh, holding my head. "I won't tell anyone but I'm not gonna let this slide."

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