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I was about to go after him when Jimin grabs my arm. "Just let him cool down." I look at Jimin. I nod and sit down. I didn't even eat any of my lunch. I couldn't. Jungkook hasn't returned yet, and I'm getting worried. I leave the table first to get my books from my locker. On my way, I see Jungkook and Haeun. Making out. As expected. I don't know why but it hurts my heart a bit. But, I guess once a player always a player. I didn't realize I was staring. Jungkook's eyes soon meet mine. I give a slight gasp and keep walking. He pulls away from Haeun and his eyes tracing my feet as I walk away.

At the end of school I'm now walking out of the building with Chanri. "Ready?" Jungkook suddenly asks. I just nod. We drive home in akward silence.

Jungkook POV

I didn't mean for Y/n to see me. I just needed a distraction.  When Jimin started that crap about Y/n's safety was when I lost it. He's not her fucking boyfriend. Now I don't know what's going on. She won't even speak to me. She doesn't even like me and I don't like her so why am I getting so worked up about this. I sigh as we drive home.


I get out of the car and walk inside to my room. Why isn't he speaking to me. Is he upset? Am I upset? No Y/n, why would you? You told him to not get hurt and he did, again. You should be the one upset. I told my arms and lay on my bed. Jeon, what are you doing to me? I change my clothes and head to the kitchen. I find a chocolate bar. I shouldn't, what if he's sees me. He'll think I'm always eating sweets, that's why I'm so fat. Sadly but it's true. I decide to take it and quickly eat it. I throw away the wrapper, and I see a medicine cabinet. He still has a bruise. I wat he didn't treat it. No Y/n, he's the one who fought, you shouldn't be taking care of him, he's not your priority. I want him to be?

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