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I turn around to see him smirking at me. I sigh and approach him. He suddenly has this talkative playful attitude. It's confusing. I open the box and take out some ointment and a bandage. I put some ointment on my finger and lightly press it on his plump lips. "So, you and Jimin huh?" He asks. "W-what, no it isn't like that," I reply. "But it looks like that." He says. "Well it isn't," I replied. "But you were dancing with him weren't you?" He questions again. "And you were practically swallowing Haeun's face for like the millionth time but, who's counting." I respond. He scoffs in response.

I gently press the bandage on the bruise at the corner of his lip. "There all done." I say and I close the box. I look at my phone and I realize it's so late. I know I'm 21 but I'm still worried about what time I get home. I receive a message from Taehyung.

Hey Y/n, I'm taking Chanri home now so you can leave if you like.

Great. She was my ride. "Looks like I'm taking you home princess," he says smoothly. Princess? "What?" I ask. "Well taehyung texted me so I'm taking you home so let's go princess." He says. "Don't call me that," I say grabbing my bag. "What? Princess?" He says jokingly. We walk to his car and I get in.

I tell him directions and he takes me home. Ugh Chanri, I'm so gonna kill you. We arrive at my front door. "Thanks for the ride," I calmly say as I get out of the car. "No problem princess." He smirks. I roll my eyes. "Don't call me that." I say walking towards my door. "Goodnight princess." He yells before driving away. I open the door and head inside. "Princess?" I am greeted by the sound of my dads voice. "Dad it's not like that, he's just a guy from school." I say brushing off the topic. "Right," my dad narrows his eyes at me and walks away.

Tonight was a weird night. If Jungkook wasn't there I don't know what would e happened. I change my clothes and head to bed. I sit on my bed. I get a message from someone. I look at my bright phone screen. It was Jimin.

Hi Y/n. Are you ok?
Did you get home safely?

I reply yes and shut my phone off. It's a bit weird, that these boys are even speaking to me. I find it odd and confusing. Why would they notice an ugly sloppy girl like me. I get why Taehyung would notice Chanri. She's gorgeous. Next to her I feel like a 0.05 out of 10 or less. I have zero self confidence and to be honest I don't think that'll ever change.

Hi, so I feel like this book is going boring so far....soo I'm sorry but I promise it gets better :)

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