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I quickly open the door, revealing Jungkook in a mask and shades. "Jungkook? Are you ok?" I ask with concern in my voice. "Are your parents home?" He asks. "Uhh they won't be back for hours." I respond. "C-can I stay here tonight?" He asks looking down. "Of course but, why the mask and shades." I question. "Let's go inside first." He says. I move aside as he steps into my house. He slowly removes the mask and it reveals his bleeding lip. He takes off the shades and a blue black bruise over his eye is revealed. I gasp. "Jungkook." I say asi grab his face examining the cuts and bruises. He winces in pain."What happened?" I question. "It's not important." He brushes off the topic. But I won't let this slide. "It is important if you're hurt." I say. "Don't worry about it Y/n, I'm fine." He opposes. "You're not, and I'm not gonna sit hear and listen to you pretend to be fine!" I yell. He's completely taken back by my outburst, but he can't keep beating around the bush. "Just tell me," I say.

"It's a long story," he looks at me. I sit on the couch and get comfy. "I have time." I say without breaking eye contact. He sighs and sits next to me. As he sits down he winces in pain and clutches his right side. "Jungkook you're badly hurt." I say. I quickly get up and fetch the first aid box. I rush back to the couch and sit down. He looks at me while I open the box. "Umm, I'm listening." I say as I clean his cuts. "He's my stepdad." Jungkook says. "H-he hits my mom, all the time," he adds. "Why?" I question. "He's drunk most of the time, but, that's no right to hit her, and I can't let him treat her that way, so one time I beat him up." Jungkook looks down. "He threatened to sue us, he's only using us for money, and I wish so badly that my mom could leave him, but it's my fault, I shouldn't have hit him." Jungkook burrows his face in his palms. "He says if we say anything he'll sue me for hitting him." Jungkook says in a muffled voice. "He'll take every penny we have, everything my mom and dad has ever worked for."

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