What Happened{48}

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Chanri drops me off at home. She wanted to take me to the hospital but I told her I'm ok. She comes out of the car to help me to the house. Thank god Jungkook  went back to his house today. He can not know about this, or he's going to flip. I can't risk having him doing something stupid that'll get him in trouble. Chanri helps me treat most of my wounds. They added more hideousness to my already dumb face. I sigh and groan in pain. Everything hurts. From my feet all the way to my forehead. I tell Chanri to go home. She insisted on staying but she's needs to get home before it's too late at night. After she leaves u lay in bed. My body's aching in pain. I suddenly get a phone call. I look at the caller ID and see Jungkook. I shouldn't pick it up, my voice is still shaky and he's gonna know somethings up.

I leave my phone upstairs, and head to the kitchen to eat. I slowly sit on the couch wincing in pain again. After an hour I hear the doorbell. It's probably Chanri, she said she might have come over. I glance in the mirror before opening the door. I look awful. My face covered in bruises and cuts. My hair all messy. My lips chapped and injured. I open the door, "Chanri you didn't have to come he-" I'm cut off by the familiar pair of sneakers in front of me. Oh no. "Y/n! What happened to you!" Jungkook yell as he approaches me. He cups my face with his left hand and gently caresses it. I wince in pain by the contact of his hand. "I'm fine Jungkook it's just a bruise." I say walking inside while he follows. "What happened? who did this to you?" He asks "I can't tell you." I say with my back still faced towards him. He grabs my shoulder. "Owww!" I yelp. He retreats his hand. He moves my hoodie aside so my shoulder can be of full view to him. His eyes widened at the sight of the huge bruise.

I didn't see that one

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I didn't see that one. It hurts so badly. Jungkook rubs his smooth fingertips over the bruise. "Who. Did. This." He asks in a demanding tone. "H-Haeun." I stutter out. His expression changes to surprise. "She did all of this to you?"

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