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I bid him goodbye and he drives away. I walk back to Jungkook. "Ok I'm ready now," I smile but he just scoffs and gets in the car. I stare at him confusingly. What's wrong with him. I literally just ended something for him. I get into the car. We begin driving in silence. I look at him and he's clenching his jaw in anger. "Are you ok?" I ask. "Did I do something wrong?" I question. He suddenly stoops the car abruptly making me fall forward a bit. He turns his body to face me. "I don't know Y/n you tell me, are you and Jimin dating?" He questions. Wait is he jealous? "N-no," I respond. "Then do you like him?" He asks again with his now cold eyes staring deep into my soul. "N-no" I stutter. "Then why were you all touchy with him? Why don't you just be with him instead? You obviously wanna be with him" He raises his voice. "I was telling him that I think it's better for us to just stay friends," I say. He scoffs. "Yeah right," he looks away. "Why do you care so much?" I ask because he's really over reacting. "You promise you don't like him?" He asks again. "Yes I promise." I reply. "Don't over react,I don't like him in that way." I say. "I'm sorry, for yelling." He looks down. "It's ok," I reply and we drive home.

We arrive at home and I instantly change into something more comfortable. After I leave Jungkook upstairs so he can change and I head to the kitchen to eat obviously. "I don't get it? Why don't you just eat in the restaurant?" Jungkook asks walking into the kitchen. "Because I just wasn't hungry." I reply trying to sound convincing. "Yeah I've heard that too many times." He says. "Tell me," he demands. "It's complicated, you won't understand." I say, trying to make him forget about the topic. "Then make me understand." He says with a smile as he sits on the counter. I sigh. "I'm scared people judge me," I look down. "Judge you for eating?" He asks. "Yes, people will thing I'm a pathetic pig who eats anything in sight and they'll think I'm fat and I'm putting on weight because to be honest I am fat and ugly so you can't blame them." I blurt out really fast.

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