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I nod in response, I can tell it was an off topic for him, so I didn't want to push it. "Well, why can't you go home?" I inquire. "Because, I just don't want to," he replies bluntly. I didn't understand, his mom owns a huge company, and they live in a mansion. I don't get it. I finish up cleaning his bruises and I close the box. "So where are you gonna stay?" I ask worried about him. "I'll figure it out, don't stress princess." He assures. "Well you can't go anywhere else. Taehyung is out with Chanri." I say, becaus I know he was thinking of crashing there tonight. "Why don't you stay here?" I ask.

"No I couldn't put you out of your way princess." He says. "No, it's cool my mom and dad are working tonight so, you can stay." I assure him. "You want me to stay?" He asks looking deep into my eyes. His orbs dark and somewhat tempting. I am locked in a daze as I gaze into his eyes. "Well I don't want you sleeping on the streets so," I reply snapping out of the daze I was just in. He chuckles.

I get up to make some food. Jungkook quickly follows behind. "Wow you're making food? You don't even eat," he says. "I do eat, just I'm not always hungry." I look down fiddling with the pack of ramen. "Right." He sarcastically says. "So why don't you like to eat princess?" He asks bluntly. "What?" I say trying to sound convincing. "There must be some reason why you don't eat out." He says. "No there isn't." I reply. "Fine, then if there is no problem eat a whole pack of ramen tonight." He says looking at me. Oh no. He's gonna make me eat infront of him. He's gonna think I'm a pig who eats everything in sight. But there's no getting out of this one. He's definitely gonna think somethings up if I don't eat the ramen that's the only reason I say, "Fine." He smiles.

We finish making the ramen and we sit on the couch. We decide to watch a movie. Not a scary one this time thankfully. He seemed bored during the movie but I am enjoying it. "I don't get it this is crap." He complains. "What? This is amazing, can't you see that they are in love but can't be together." I state the obvious. "Right, if I were the guy I wouldn't care what others say, if I love her then I'll do anything to be with her." He says slurping up his noodles. "Oh my god," I say. "What?" He looks at me. "You're being romantic." I say in a sarcastic shocked voice. He scoffs and laughs. "Please, I'm always romantic." He brags. "And by romantic you mean, just sleeping around with girls?" I ask. "Pftt, I don't only have sex." He says, trying to sound convincing. "Right."

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