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"You always sleep with Haeun." I point out slurping my noodles. "Not all the time." He defends. "Fine then when did you go out with a girl, and didn't kiss them." I question. "Shut up." He says and sits backing the couch with a pout. I laugh at his cute reaction. "Well, at least I've kissed someone." He says. "When did you last kiss someone? Middle school?" He asks. "No," I respond. "Then when?" He asks again. "I'm not telling you." I reply. "Fine, but weren't you supposed to go out with Jimin?" He asks. "I did, today." I reply and he instantly looks up at me. "Well how was it?" He questions. "Why do you wanna know?" I inquire. "No reason." He replies bluntly. "Well we went out for a movie and ice-cream." I slurp up some more noodles. "That's it?" He wears a surprised expression. "Yeah." I say in an amazing obvious tone. "Damn Jimin hasn't been out with a girl for a while if he thinks that's a date." Jungkook says eating more noodles from his bowl. "Uhh excuse me, it was awesome." I say and he scoffs. "Think you can do better?" I ask and he looks at me with a smirk plastered across his face. Oh god what have you done. "Yes, of course I can." He smirks. "Sure." I sarcastically state. "If I was on a date, we wouldn't even leave the house. We would stay home watch movies and eat food. We'd talk about real stuff. Then cuddle and fall asleep." He says eating again. Wow, he's so sentimental about dating. "Well have you ever done that with a girl?" I ask. "No." He replies. "Well, why not?" I ask confused. "Because I wanna save it for the right girl, the one I know for sure I wanna be with." He says looking deep into my eyes. "Wow, you have high hope for meeting "the one" I don't even know if I'm every gonna find my "the one" I say. "Why? You're amazing anyone would be extremely lucky to have you." He says. I smile a bit at his words. "Jimin is a....very lucky guy." He says looking down at his empty bowl. "Hey look you finished your bowl princess ." He points out. Wow I actually did finish it. I didn't even realize, I wonder if he thought I'm a pig yet. It's only a matter of time before anyone thinks that to be honest. "Good job, see that wasn't that bad," he smiles at me. "Yeah I guess it wasn't."

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