Stay away{5}

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After 5 minutes some drunk guy stumbles towards me. Oh god. I instantly feel tense when I look into his eyes and all I see is lust. "What's, a pretty lady like you doing all alone?" He asks slowly coming closer to me making my back hit the wall. "Please stay away," I say as I avoid eye contact. "What if I don't want to," he smirks as the scent of alcohol fills my nose making me mentally gag. "Please leave me alone." I state again. Fear bundles up in me as he leans in, "I don't think so-" suddenly he's snatched away and pushed to the ground. "Didn't you hear her, she said to go away," a deep voice yells, I look up to see Jungkook staring angrily at the drunk boy who is now getting up.

"I found her first, so f*ck off!" The boy yells in Jungkook's face and he punches Jungkook. Oh no. Jungkook touches his bruised lip which starts to bleed. He grits his teeth and throws a punch at the boy's face. I stand there in shock off what is going on. Before the boy could hit Jungkook again, taehyung grabs his hand. "Get lost!" Taehyung yells and the boy glared at Jungkook and stomps away. A now sobered up Chanri rushes towards me. "Are you okay? Did he do anything to you?" She questions in a worried tone.

"I-I'm fine, it's ok." I look up and I notice Jungkook and Taehyung walking towards me. "Are you ok?" Jungkook asks looking directly at me. "Y-yeah, thanks..." I respond. I look at his injured lip. "Your, f-face." I say without thinking. He touches his lip and winces in pain. "Chanri can you help me get the first aid kit." Taehyung asks her and they scurry off leaving Jungkook and I in awkward silence. After about half a minute he speaks, "Are you sure you're ok, he really came onto you there," he looks at me again. "No no I'm ok, just thank goodness you were there." I reply looking away from his intense gaze. His eyes were so deep and tempting in some way. "Y/n! Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" A Jimin asks as he holds my shoulders. "No, Jimin, I'm fine," I respond with a smile. He sighs in relief. Was he really that worried? "Thank god," he responds slowly releasing my shoulders.

Suddenly Jimin receives a phone call and says, "I have to go, I'll see you at school on Monday," he says with a smile again. I nod and he leaves. Taehyung and Chanri return with the first aid box. Taehyung leaves it there and they bothe run away without a word. Great. I am about to walk away but he spoke, "Aren't you going to help me, I mean it's the least you could do since I saved that pretty little ass of yours."

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