9.- jisung

578 17 21

Can I say that I hate, like really hate, this introducing stuff?! I was always bad at this, because of my talent to not build clear sentences and talking extreme bullshit. But okay, let's embarrass myself after ten minutes, no problem.

"So my name is Bang chan, I'm 21 years old and actually from Australia." He grinned and made a hand move for the next one to go on. A younger boy sighed and started to talk.

"Hi, I'm jeongin and I'm sixteen." he seemed really uncomfortable and I kinda wanted to help him out. The guy next to him took this break and began.

"G'day mates, I'm felix, 17, I really like fortnite and tiktok and basically every videogame so guess we can play together someday and yes I'm also from Australia."

"And I'm changbin, here with felix and 18 years."

Weird why would they go there if they already have friends and could do so much better things? Ohhh it was the turn of the cutie next to me, so this was my chance to get his name after I couldn't hear it the last time.

"My name is Lee Minho and I'm 18 as well."

Why do the best looking people always have the best names too, that's so unfair and there's me, like what?! Wait why is everybody looking at me? Did I say it out loud? Did I fart or something?

"You wanna introduce you too?" Chan asked kindly.

Damn jisung you're more stupid than I've expected.

I blushed and started stuttering, with other words it was fucking embarrassing and awkward.

"Ehm, hehe, I-im jisung, and I'm 16, wait no I'm actually 17 and...mmh"

please kill me right now.

Can the bus drive over me?

Gladly seungmin started and helped me out of this. "Seungmin here. I'm also 17. "

He seemed really tough, nearly sassy, though the intimidating behaviour of the hung dude next to him, whose turn it was now.

"Hyunjin, 17." Oh, not hung. But not better actually.

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