41. - seungmin

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"There is written twenty steps but yours are like forty!"

"Not everyone has to do such tiny ones as you!"

"And what are you doing? Broad jump?"

"Fuck you."

I groaned and walked along, not caring if he would follow.

"What's next?"

"How the hell should I know? Do I look like a guide?"

"You could JUST MAYBE take a look at the note!"

"Do it yourself."

This whole thing was a bad idea. We had a paper, on which were written all the steps one by one and we should reach the destination with it. Every team got another way and note so there wouldn't be any overdue.

"Go to the big oak.


It's not like were SURROUNDED by oaks but okay.

"Let's choose this one." He pointed at a huge one a few metres apart. I silently nodded and we went there.

"500 metres straight away."

"You sure? We will get deeper into the forest. Bet were wrong."

"Well I don't care, I'm just reading this letter. You can decide."

"Why do I have to?" I hesitated but then agreed because I had no better idea.


"Okay that's definitely not it."

"Never noticed, thank you for this wonderful information."

We've been walking and searching for three hours now and were so deep inside the forest, the light couldn't reach the ground, so many trees blocked the sky upon us.

I was hungry and the water we carried with us was nearly empty too.

"We've been here before. So you see this, those are your footspets, we walked in circles." Hyunjin sat on the wet ground on a green rock and rested his head on his palm.

"What time is it?" I asked him, because I didn't take my phone with me, knowing I would either lose it or destroy it.

He took his out of the back pocket of his jeans and showed me the screen.

6.30 PM.

We were definitely wrong, it was way to late.

"Should we call someone and ask them to help us out?"

He typed something and pressed a button. It beeped, then a female voice told there was no available net and suddenly everything went black.

"Fuck" he hissed and threw his phone away, with such a power, one part fell off the screen.

"Are you dumb? Now we have nothing!"

"It had no power anyways. It doesn't make a difference."

Speechless I just wanted to replay his words, why would he not care about his things and phones aren't cheap though.

I shrugged it off and sat down to rest as well. All the people I could've teamed up with, it had to be hyunjin of course.

It isnt like I tried to avoid him, noooo.

There would've been better ways to spend one of the last days, actually this was on a list, right below drown myself and break both legs.

"Do my eyes have a problem, or is it slightly getting darker here?"

Hyunjin asked in the awkward silence and I noticed it as well, it was hard to look at him, even he was just a few metres apart.

"No I think you're right. But isn't it to early? I thought it's like 6.45 PM right now."

"Maybe the trees do stop the light and we wouldn't notice it out of the forest."

That was bullshit because it shouldn't get dark at this time, but I refused to answer.

"Are you cold?" He asked once again and pointed on my arms, I didn't realised I held tightly on my body.

"No it's fine."

"You sure?" He came near "you're shivering and have goosebumps. Here take my hoodie."


Without taking any answer he just put it on my head so I couldn't see. I smiled wryly and could see his silhouette wink.


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