11. - seungmin

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Yes of course, why should I not be in the room with hyunjin. It's not like he already hates me, no.

Fortunately I was first inside the room and could take the better bed. I immediately layed down and closed my eyes.

"I want this bed." I opened the eyes, slowly overthinking if I heard right.

"I said I. Want. This. Bed. "

"That's pretty cool dude."

"Are you deaf? GIVE IT TO ME!"

"Can you yell a bit quieter please? Thank you."

Actually I've never been the sassy type, but this guy lets my blood boil.

"How dare to speak to me like this!"

I couldn't look into his eyes, knowing I would lose this argument then.

"Yknow, I was here first and chose this one so theres no other way for you except taking the other one."

And he really didn't say anything against it. Never been so proud of myself as now. But I knew there would just be an evil reaction later.

But hey I don't care, I got the bed.

After a while, I decided to visit the other rooms and the whole house. The first room was jeongins and I knocked politely before entering.

"Sure it's open."

"Hi jeongin, I have thought I could visit everyone and could see the house."

"No problem, well yeah that's my room."

It looked completely different to ours, there stood a bed with colourful blankets, a drawer with books and some drawing stuff, short, like there would actually live someone.

"I was here very often before, so my dad decided I could make my own room out of it."

You could see that jeongin was embarrassed of this fact.

"But it's very pretty here, I like it."

"O-oh thank you hyung."

"Of course. Oh I see I have to go on, bye."


I walked through the corridor and arrived at the next room. Before i even got to knock someone opened the door and pushed it directly into my face.

"Ow what was that for?"

"Oh my god, seung are you fine? I'm so sorry, I didnt know you were there...."

"it's fine ji, but please, please dont call me seung, min or minnie is fine but not seung please." I laughed at his guilty face.

"By the way, why are you here?"

"Oh I just wanted to visit you and the others."

"How cool, can I go with you?" He stepped outside and whispered into my ear. "This minho guy is weird. He doesn't talk."

"Sure thing let's go."

Together we chose the next one, hoping it won't be jaeyoungs and chans room, cos that would be weird as fuck, if we would just enter.

And we were lucky, it was those friends, felix and changbin I guess. But we left it really soon, because they were talking insiders and neither jisung and I could understand a word.

The house was actually smaller than I thought, the ground floor was the kitchen and living room in one and that's it. There were no bathrooms in need because every room had a several one. And like, that was the whole house. Living room plus kitchen, five rooms.

Suddenly chan yelled (why is he doing this the whole time)  and told us to come downstairs to eat.

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