33. - jisung

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What the fuck is wrong with this boy?

Why has he been so nice lately?

What has changed, like does he have a personality disorder or something? But what I definitely knew, was, that everytime he looked at me I blushed like crazy and felt weird in my stomache.

Maybe I've eaten something rotten and would throw up soon, or he used his magic powers to make me vomit slugs, Harry Potter like.

I made up the strangest conspiracy theories while the bus ride and tried not to stare too obviously at minho, but he was asleep, so I was safe.

As soon as we stopped at the parking lot, in front of our house and I stepped into the fresh air felix ran towards me, grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the opposite direction I wanted to go.

"Ow for your none existing strength, that hurts a lot. What are you doing by the way?"

"Have to talk to you."

soon he looked like he found his destination, a bench next to the forest near our house.

"Sooooo you know changbin and...."

not again... I've never wanted to know that much about changbins love life as I did now.

Actually I've never wanted to know ANYTHING about it.

But one thing for sure, he had no interest in seungmin, even if felix is so oblivious and believes this shit.

Anyways, felix was talking for about ten minutes now and I haven't listen to even one whole sentence and now he glanced at me, wanting a answer for some question.

"Ehm could you please repeat the question?" I tried to smile wryly

"what do you think about my plan?"

Which plan?

He must have seen my questioning face, because he glared desperate at me "you didn't listen at all, did you?"


he face palmed himself and talked about any date or stuff he planned for his couple.

Sounds like I haven't missed anything important though.

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