Well, guess we better get going

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Five's POV:

I sigh as I open the tube that holds the next mission. I pull out the paper not really looking at it; lost in my thoughts. We're close. Maybe this will be the mission we abandon mid-way and go back to save everyone from the apocalypse. Maybe we can start over.

"What does it say?" the beautiful voice of my partner calls out.

"Um, it says 'Kill President John F. Kennedy. Sniping method would be preferred,' that's more your forte," I look up at my partner. Her soft features looking down at the paper in my hands while her dark hair falls down over her face. Her hair was black and wavy with some slight strips of grey showing due to her age. She furrowed her eyebrows ever-so-slightly as she looked at the slip of paper. One side of her plump pink lips turned up in a contemplating expression. To be quite honest she was very beautiful but he couldn't think of her in any other way than a partner. He wouldn't let himself think of her in any other way. They were partners after all. Only professional.

"Well, guess we better get going," her words snapped him out of his little trance.

"Yeah, guess so."


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