Bitch I'm 58

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Five searches the pantry shelf, refrigerator, and lower cabinets while I stand on the counter looking at the upper cabinets. I'm currently searching through a cabinet full of grain and rice products. "You guys need to put some labels on these things or something."

"Tell me about it. I was trying to find some drugs earlier and I couldn't find anything!" Klaus says from a chair at the table.

"Oh hello, Klaus! I didn't know you came in," I say cheerily to the druggie.

The druggie giggles, "Yes, I am quite sneaky!"

From the corner of my eye, I see Five roll his. "Klaus, what do you want?"

"What? I can't hang out with my brother who disappeared for 17 years and his new girlfriend?"


"I'm not his girlfriend Klaus," I cut Five off before he can hurt my feelings again and return back to my search. I mean I know I'm not his girlfriend but I at least thought I was his friend. The clicking of Allison's heals brings me back to my task.

"Where's Vanya?" she asks.

"Oh, she's gone." I turn back to look at the scene. Where the hell did Klaus get a guitar? And why are his shoes just sitting on the table?

"That's unfortunate," Five says holding up and empty coffee grounds container.

"Yeah." He's not talking about that Allison.

"An entire square block. Forty-two bedrooms, 19 bathrooms, but no, not a single drop of coffee."

I look down at the ground from my position on the counter. I mean I could jump but then my skirt would fly up. I could gently get down but that's a lot of work. Five looks over at me with my slight predicament and walks over.

"Dad hated caffeine," Allison says with a duh face.

"Well, he hated children, too, and he had plenty of us," Klaus laughs at his little statement then pouts over at Allison.

Five holds on to my legs and helps me off the counter. "We're taking the car," he says grabbing my hand. I'm not going to lie I don't mind this. No shut up what are you talking about.

"Where are you going?"

Five turns back around to his brother, "To get a decent cup of coffee."

"Do you even know how to drive?" Oh shit, did she really just ask that?

"I know how to do everything," he says stepping closer to her. Then suddenly he spacial jumps us to the car. Five starts the car as I sit in the passenger seat buckling my seatbelt.

I look forward smiling, excited to finally get some food. "So, where we going Mr. Everything?"

"Mr. Everything?" He questions while pulling out of the ally.

I grin as I look over at him, "Yeah, you said you know how to do everything."

"We are going to a place I used to go to as a kid with my siblings," he replies not taking his eyes off of the road.

I roll my eyes and look out of the window, "That doesn't really answer my question."

"It's a surprise." I look over at him skeptically and I guess he catches the look because he continues, "I know you'll like it."

I hum and look out the window again, "I don't want to be disappointed, Five."

"You won't. I promise."

When the car stops for good I look over to the other side of the car where a slight glow is coming from. My eyes light up at the sight, "It's a donut shop!"

He smirks at my glee, "I told you that you wouldn't be disappointed."

I quickly unbuckle my seatbelt, "Ah but I haven't tried it yet, you may be tricking me and the donuts may be shit."

We both smile as we climb out of the car and walk into the little shop. Five walks straight to two seats at the counter and I follow, sitting in a seat to his right.

Five being the impatient shit that he is, quickly rings the little bell on the counter twice. He slightly turns to me, "What do you want?"

I heard the door open behind us, signaling someone entering the shop. "No clue. You just gonna get a coffee?"

"Yup." An older man plops himself on the other side of Five and sighs, taking off his hat. Why'd he have to sit here? The entire shop is empty, why sit right beside us?

Five side glances the guy while he adjusts his paper. Then, finally a woman I'm assuming is a waiter walks out from the back and stops in front of us.

"Sorry, sink was clogged," she lets out a small laugh as she retrieved her pen and note pad, "so, what'll it be?"

The man immediately responds, "Uhh, gimme a chocolate eclair."

"Mm-Hmm sure. Can I get the kids a glass of milk each or something?" she asks kindly. Bitch I'm 58. A glass of fucking milk? Sure give me a cookie while you're at it why don't you? 

Five scoffs, much like I want to, and relies, "The kid wants coffee. Black. Figured out what you want yet, Ava?"

"Yes," I turn to the waitress, "Can I have a cup of tea with a dash of milk and some sugar? And a strawberry donut too." She looks at us a little bewildered so I make sure to add on, "Please?"

She looks over at the man, "Cute kids," she awkwardly chuckles.

I slightly elbow Five as she looks over at us. He gives her one of the fakest, scariest smiles I've ever seen in my life. I try not to laugh as she looks really awkward and whispers, "Okay," as she walks away.

I just prop my chin on my hand as we wait for our orders. Next to me, Five sighs deeply as he looks over at the man again, "Don't remember this place being such a shithole. I used to come here as a kid. Used to sneak out with my brothers and sisters and eat donuts till we puked. Simpler times, huh?"

I smile at Five's memory of his childhood. That sounds nice. I wish I had a childhood like that. Mine was just filled with-

"I suppose," the man responds to the strange sounding boy.

I snap out of my thoughts and look up as the waitress clears her throat, "Here."

She places down out orders and looks at us weirdly for a second before the man pipes up, "I've got theirs." He hands her some money as he says that.


"Thank you," both me and Five reply at the same time. I look down at my donut happily and take a bite. Definitely not disappointed.

Five looks over at the man again, more specifically his jacket this time. Ishmael's Towing 24 hour service, it reads. "You must know your way around the city," he comments.

The guy looks up as his eyes shift over to his left, "I hope so. I've been driving it for 20 years."

"Good," the Boy replies, "I need an address." I narrow my eyes, what address? I shrug it off figuring he'll tell me later and become more invested in my tea and donut.

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