Oh, looks like they are stupid

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Soooooo I kinda already re-watched season 2...two and a half times...so...yeah

Sorry, there is nothing different about this chapter I just forgot the title, my bad

Oh, you have got to be fucking with me. Please tell me that we aren't here for who I think we're here for.

I sigh, "Five-"

"Not a word," he cuts off.

"Fine," I throw my hands up in defense, "whatever you say."

We walk across the parking lot in the rain towards the doors of the Gimble Brother's store. Five quickly grabs my hand as he jumps us into the store but his hands find his pockets soon after. It's too dark in here for this. I take off to find a flashlight, lightswitch, lighter, something that makes light. Five seems to just wander dreamily towards the center of the store.

"Hey, here's some flashlights," I say while squinting at a display. I grab one out of the bucket, "Wonder if they are stupid enough to have batteries already in-" but my question is answered as I flick the flashlight on. "Oh, looks like they are stupid." I toss one across to Five who is still in his mesmerized stage.

"Thanks," he says as he clicks his on. He then proceeds to walk over to the women's section in search of his lost mannequin lover.

While he does that, I search around for anything helpful. On one of the smaller displays, I spot a cute little backpack. Might need that. I grab it and sling one strap over my shoulder and proceed to walk down the aisles. Oh, look! A pair of Chuck Taylors! I quickly walk over to the shoe display and find a pair of black high tops. These are going to be so much more comfortable than those dress shoes. I slip them on and place the old dress shoes back in the box.

I can hear Five faintly talking a little further away. Guess he found that old piece of plastic then. I shake it off and move on. Holy shit they have food! I quickly grab a couple of snacks and stuff them in the backpack. Hmm, what else can we find? I scavenge around and find the kitchen section and grab a couple of knives and shove some in my coat pockets and the backpack. As I go to put one in my right sock, another knife suddenly falls out of my hand. What the fuck?

"Hey, Five?" I yell out of worry. No, I must have just grabbed two. I'm just crazy. God, I need some sleep. Then I hear gunshots. Okay, now I really need some sleep.

"No!" I hear Five yell. Oh, fuck this is real. "Ava!"

"Five!" I yell out again, this time out of panic. I ducked and ran towards the source of the gunfire. Oh, how smart of me.

"Oh, shit! It's them," I hear Five say.

"Five!" I whisper-yell, running up to him. "What the hell is happening?"

"Ava! It's those two dimwits Hazel and Cha-Cha. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. You?"

"Yeah. Fuck! One second," he says then sprints over to the debris of the mannequins. Five you complete and utter dumbass. "I'll be right back for you," he whispers to his doll.

The gunfire rings in my ears as I try to think of a way to get out of this. "Five, we gotta split up! I'm going that way," I say pointing behind him.

"Okay. Ready? Go!" he says while we both dart in opposite directions. I don't dare look behind me as I run as fast as I can through the racks of clothing but behind me, I can hear Five warp away. Christ, how I wish I had superpowers right now!

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