Magic password?

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Update: School sucks ass. In other news, here's a new chapter (it's kind of a longer one too!) 


"Oh. Okay, I think I've got something, Av." I look up to Five who is standing on his bed, writing on the walls with chalk. I, on the other hand, sit in a spinny chair near the window with my feet propped up on the blanket chest, reading the book I accidentally stole from the library. 

"Is that right?" I inquire. I hear heavy footsteps approaching. Luther.

He nods, "It's tenuous, but promising."

"As long as I don't have to do the math part, it sounds good to me," I look back down at my book as Luther comes in. "Hello, Luther."

"Hey, Ava. What are you guys talkin' about? What is all this?"

"It's a probability map," Five answers. 

Luther walks closer to the wall to get a better look, "Probability of what?"

"Of whose death could save the world," I answer.

Five taps his work, "We've narrowed it down to four."

I snort, "We nothing. I haven't done shit."

"Are you saying one of these four people causes the apocalypse?" Luther asks cluelessly. 

"No, we're saying that their death may prevent it," I correct.

"Oh," Luther pauses, still looking clueless as Five continues to write. "I'm not following."

Five stops writing and turns around to explain it to his brother, "Time is fickle, Luther. The slightest alteration in events can lead to massively different outcomes in the time continuum."

"The butterfly effect," I add. 

"So, all we have to do is find the people with the greatest probability of impacting the timeline, wherever they may be, and kill them." Luther's eyes widen a little and I laugh. Oh, to be so innocent. "Oh, yeah..." Five jumps down from his bed and bends down over his bedside table. 

Luther tries to get closer and walks toward the wall however, my legs block his path. "Excuse me," he says politely. 

"Magic password?" I ask smiling broadly. 


I move my feet down and out of his way, "Just kidding. Continue on."

"Thanks," he says walking over to the list of names on the wall. I look up and see Five looking at me with a stupid grin. I smile and wink at him. He shakes his head and goes back to writing in his sister's book. 

"Milton Greene. So who's he, a terrorist or something?"

Don't tell him the truth he has a hero mindset. "Yeah, something like-"

"I believe he is a gardener." I facepalm, Five, you absolute dumbass.

Luther looks at him with shock, "You can't be serious. Wait, this is madness, Five. You- Wh-Where did you get that?"

Five had just pulled out the gun we had stashed under his bed. "In Dad's room," he says casually. I'm going to kill him. "I think he used it to shoot a rhinoceros. It's similar to the model we used at work, right Av?" 

Both boys look at me for the same reason just different takes of it. Five, for confirmation about his statement in an innocent way, and Luther, for confirmation about Five's statement in an accusing way. I give an awkward cough, " I guess it is isn't it."

"Nice shoulder fit," Five continues, "and highly reliable. Sorry, this one doesn't have the scope you like on it Av." I want nothing more in life than to just sink into the earth right now. It's not that I'm embarrassed by my work it's just that this isn't exactly the best impression of me to give. I give up, whatever. Fuck it.

"It's fine," I say picking my book back up. "I can still shoot an egg off of a tee from 200 feet away."

"But you cant- This guy Milton is just an innocent man," Luther stresses. 

"It's basic math." I sigh, Ah, shit here we go again. "His death could potentially save the lives of billions. If we did nothing, he'd be dead in four days anyway. The apocalypse won't spare anyone."

"We don't do this kind of thing."

"We are not doing anything," Five says motioning between him and Luther. He then motions between me and himself, "We are."

"I can't let you two go and kill innocent people, Five. No matter how many lives you'll save."

"Well, good luck stopping me. Come on, Ava." Five turns around to leave and I get out of my chair to follow. 

"You're not going anywhere," Luther says. Before I know what's happening, Luther has me by the neck and has lifted me up, and out the window. 

"Luther what the hell," I choke out. I claw at his large gloved hands trying to loosen his grip. The bad part of this is that he quite literally has gorilla hands and the strength of like 20 men. 

Five whips around and aims the gun at his gigantic brother, "Put...her...down."

"Put the gun down. You're not killing anyone today. I know she's important to you, so don't make me do this," Luther says, still holding me out of the window like a rag doll. Five scoffs at him as his eyes shift between Luther and me. "It's either her or the gun. You decide."

"Put," I say smacking Luther's arm uselessly. Or at least speed up the process. But sadly I couldn't say that due to the lack of air entering my lungs. However, it's almost like the big oaf read my mind because he thankfully to my windpipes and not so thankfully to the rest of me, actually chucks me out the window. As cliche as it sounds, my eyes seem to unfocus as it's literally like I'm falling in slow motion, yet my mind doesn't have time to process anything but the fate of me falling down the fire escape below me and bashing my head on the way down. Weirdly, the smashing of my head of the ladder of the fire escape never comes. My eyes come back into focus and I'm being held by Five while coughing and gasping for breath. 

Five looks at me with panicked and worried eyes. "Hey, hey, hey, Ava. It's okay, I got you. Are you okay? Ava? Speak to me. Tell me you're okay."

"That was like an out of body experience or some shit," I croak out. He smiles and laughed disbelievingly as he shakes his head. 

Luther stands with a small triumphant smile, "I can keep doin' this all day."

"Whatever you say, Captain Rogers," I say glaring at him. "Could you not have crushed my windpipe? Couldn't you have just picked me up from the back of my neck like a cat or something?"

"Sorry, I kind of just," he makes a snatching movement, "you know? I didn't really think about it."

Five leads me over to his bed and lightly pushes me to sit down on the bed by my shoulders, his eyes scanning over me to make sure I don't have any injuries. His eyes linger on my neck while his hands travel from my shoulders to the sides of my neck. "That's gonna bruise," he says, rubbing his thumbs over it lightly. 

"Five, I'm fine," I assure him. "A little bruise has never stopped me."

He sighs still brushing his thumbs over the skin on my neck, "That's not a little bruise."

"I think I'll make it." 

"I know you're still good people." Luther walks towards us but Five never takes his eyes off my face, "Otherwise, you wouldn't have risked everything coming back here to save us all. But you're not on your own anymore."

Five lowers his eyes before looking back up to mine, asking if I was willing to do it too. Because I knew exactly what he was thinking and it was not going to be fun. I nod a small okay. "There is one way." He finally turns his head to look at his brother, "But it's just about impossible."

"More impossible than what brought you back here?" Five looks back at me and sighs again.

I give him a small smile, "Well, if this is the plan, then we have shit to do."

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