That's rich coming from you Mr. Hardass

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Holy crap how are there already over 550 reads? And 50+ votes? You guys are amazing! 


Five's POV:

"But...I just want...a teensy weensy...little...nap," and with that, she passes out. Shit.

"Ava? Hey, Av? Come on I need you to wake back up," I say in a panic while I lightly tap her face. "Fuck. Okay, we're going to try this again." I wrap my arms under her bridal style and sit her in my lap. Why are people so much heavier when they are unconscious or dead?

"Please work. Just one more time for Ava, please." I try to spacial jump but it's too weak. "Come on!" I put all of my very little energy into jumping and sure enough, we are at the bottom of the staircase. I groaned as my tired body tries to pull both of us up the stairs, why couldn't I have taken us to the top of the stairs?

"Five?" I whip my head up to Allison.

"Fuck," I mutter under my breath.

"What the hell happened to you?" She looks down and sees Ava in my arms, "Holy shit is she okay?!" She runs forward to help but I quickly put my back in between her and Ava.

"Are you guys okay? Can we help?" Luther asks while reaching for Ava. I quickly extend the arm under her head and grab his arm as he is about to touch her.

"There's nothing you can do. There's nothing any of you can do." Before I can stop it, my mind flashes back to when I found all of them dead. All of them, gone. I let go of Luther's hand and hold Ava closer to me, "Just leave me alone."

"Are you-"

"Yes!" I snap while quickly walking away. I need to get her stitched up fast. She's lost a lot of blood.

"Where are we?" I almost fall down the last flight of steps as Ava's soft voice comes out of nowhere. I look down and see that her eyes are just barely open and smile lightly.

"We are back at the academy. We're almost at my room. I'll get you fixed up and then you can take a nice long nap, sound good?" She barely nods at me as she places her head back on my shoulder.

As I made it back into my room, I gently set her down on my bed and ran to the bathroom for the first aid kit. Once I find it under the sink in it's designated spot, literally nothing has changed around here, I quickly walk back to my room. As I rummage around in the box for the needle and thread I see Ava moving to sit up on my bed.

"Hey, no, you just lay back down you're going to hurt yourself," I say as I move over to the bed and gently push her back down. She gasps as she tries to sit back up. I chuckle, "I told you. Now lay still, you stubborn shit."

She just barely rolls her eyes, "Oh, so I'm the stubborn shit now? That's rich coming from you Mr. Hardass."

"I see being shot doesn't ruin your amazing sense of humor," I laugh while threading the needle.

"Oh, I don't think anything could ruin that."

"I doubt it could. Now, Miss Stubborn Shit, I'm gonna need you to strip some of those layers."

She looks over at me with a smug smile, "So you're not going to take me out on a date first Mr. Hardass? That's quite ungentlemanly."

I give a big sigh, "Just do it or I'll let you bleed out."

"You wouldn't last two days without me," she says playfully. You're probably not wrong there. She tries to sit up again, with my help this time of course, and begins to talk off her blazer and vest. "Why are there so many layers?" she groans.

I chuckle at her, "Ask Klaus to ask Dad. He's the one who decided to make such an elaborate uniform for his superpowered adopted science experiments. You need help, there?" I ask pointing to her now struggling with her buttons.

"Please. I can barely move anymore." I look at her closer and notice that she is paler than usual (which is saying something), slightly shaking, and has a thin layer of sweat covering her. Shit, I didn't even notice.

My right arm twinges as I quickly move to unbutton the bottom buttons of her blood-stained shirt so that I can see the exposed wound. "Oh, shit."

"What? Can't handle a little blood?" she mocks.

"A little? Yeah. But this much? I don't know how you are even conscious. And that bullet is in there kinda deep." I look up at her, "You sure you can take this? Do you want me to get Mom? She can probably-"

"Five just get the damn bullet out, please. Or do you want me to do it myself?"

I shake my head quickly, "No, absolutely not. I got it." I look back down at the open wound, "Okay this is going to hurt."

She squeezes her eyes shut and takes in a shaky breath, "Yeah, no shit. Just do it already."

I take a cloth and wipe off the excess blood carefully then take a pair of tweezers and gingerly dig around until I get a hold of the bullet. "Got it."

"Okay, then pull that sucker out already," she says in a strained voice. I slowly pull the bullet out then begin to stitch up the small round wound. 

"Done," I say tying off the final knot.

She slumps back on my bed looking absolutely miserable but extremely relieved. "God, that hurt more than I remember," she says while blindly buttoning her shirt back up.

"Well, these are our kid bodies so we probably haven't built up our tolerance yet." Don't' say anything about your arm to her or she'll-

"Your turn then," she says while struggling to get up. God damn it.

I fake innocence, "What do you mean?"

"You're not as slick as you believe you are, you know?" She takes the needle from my hand and gets more thread. "Even if it is your non-dominate arm you still have to move it and when you do you wince a little. Now, get over here Sir Hardass of Stubbornville."

"I can do it-"

"Nah-ah-ah. Sit," she commands. I can't win. I give up and sit down. "You know the drill."

"Not gonna take me out on a date first?" I smirk while taking off my many layers.

"Nope," she says while popping the p and smiling at me.

I scoff playfully, "How rude."

"Now," she says when I'm left in my tank top. "Tell me Mr. Hardass. Why on earth did we go to that department store when we ended up not getting your doll after all? Oh! Hey, that rhymed!" She chuckles out delight at the small coincidence as she stitches me up however I am struck with the sudden realization that I didn't grab Delores.

"Oh," How did I manage to forget her? "Well, I guess...I guess she just slipped my mind when I saw that you had been shot." I look over at her and see that she's smiling lightly while she concentrates on making the stitches. A light smile flutters onto my face, Maybe I had more important priorities at the moment. 


I switched that one up a bit. How did you guys like it? I personally loved writing it because I had  free range and was kind of able to build up their dynamic more. Tell me how you guys feel about it! Thank you for reading!

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