Hey, watch it, monkey man

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Hey, guys! I'm back from my break. I'm really sorry I wasn't back sooner. Thank you all for your support, it really brightens my day seeing your comments, votes, and reads. Also, thank you for being so understanding in this hard time in my life. I love you all! Hope you enjoy the new chapter! 

(I also may have cut off half my hair heh)


We must look like the oddest bunch on the streets right now. Well...probably not but, we still look like a strange sight nonetheless. I looked like a normal teenage girl going to school...in the dead of night, Diego looked like a rejected assassin butcher, and Luther looked like a walking boxing advertisement beside the fact that he was holding a teenage boy, who was passed out, in his arms. We sounded like the beginning of a very long-winded joke.

"Well, we can't go back to the house," Luther says, interrupting my internal dialogue. "It's not secure. Those psychopaths could come back at any moment."

"My place is closer," Diego adds quickly. "No one will look for him there."

"Wait, what's going on?" As I ask that Five burps loudly right next to my ear. "What the hell?!"

"If you vomit on me..." Luther threatens.

Five leans his head back to look at me, "You know what's funny?" he asks while smiling at me dopily.

"What?" I ask, playing along.

"Aah! We're going through puberty." He scoffs, "Twice."

"Tell me about it."

"And I...I drank that whole bottle, didn't I?" he asks me as he tilts his head back, looking at me. God, he's so drunk.

"Mhm. Even though I warned you that your body couldn't handle it, you never listen to me, do you?"

"That's what you do when the world you love goes bye-bye. Poof, it's gone." Are you guys really not going to help me with him at all? "What are you guys talking about?"

"That's what I was asking before you burped in my ear." People must love ignoring my comments because Diego answers Five's question.

"Two masked intruders attacked the Academy last night. They came looking for you two. So, I need you to focus. What do they want?"

"Hazel and Cha-Cha," Five mutters loud enough for everyone to hear.


"You know, I hate code names," Luther complains.

I sigh, "They aren't code names."

"Hazel and Cha-Cha are the best of the best. Except for Av and I, of course."

"The best of what?" Luther asks.

"You know, Delores always said she hated when I drink. She said it made me all surly-"

"Hey!" Diego must have been just as fed up with his ramble about the doll as I was.

"Hm? Yeah?" Oh, Christ.

"I need you to focus. What do this Hazel and Cha-Cha want?" Five gives him a crooked and very drunk smile. Diego gives me a glance, "We just want to protect you."

"Protect us. We don't need your protection, Diego. Do you have any idea how many people we've killed?"

"No," he says while side-eyeing Luther and giving me a quick look. I just lower my head because it's the truth.

"We're the four freaking horsemen aren't we, Av? The apocalypse is coming." And with that, he leans over and throws up. I quickly jump out of the way, just in time too. However, Luther isn't so lucky, and it gets on his shoes. 

I look at the ground where Five just wretched his guts out in disgust, "Well isn't that just amazing."

When we get to Diego's man cave thing, I survey the room and look around at all the stuff. It was very...Diego. That's all I really have to say. While I was admiring the room, Luther was setting Five down on the cot and Diego walked over to join him. Well, I guess since it's a party I might as well join.

We all look down at the sleeping Five, "Funny. If I didn't know he was such a prick, I'd say he looks almost adorable in his sleep." I look at his relaxed face, Yeah, he is pretty adorable when he is asleep.

"Well, don't worry. He'll sober up eventually. Be back to his normal, unpleasant self," Luther snarks.

I furrow my eyebrows, "Hey, watch it, monkey man. He's still your brother."

"How do you-"

"I have eyes and I'm relatively smart, it's not that hard to figure out," I say crossing my arms and sitting on the edge of the cot.

"Yeah, I can't wait that long," Diego says impatiently. "I need to find out what his connection is with these lunatics before someone else dies." Oh, so I just don't exist now?

Luther approaches him, "All that stuff he was saying earlier..." my head perks up at the sound of footsteps, "what do you think he meant by that?" The footsteps get closer and I stand up in front of the sleeping Five. Diego quickly hops up the steps and pulls out one of his knives. He motions to Luther then opens the door and gets ready to stab whoever is at the door.

However, Diego is stopped by a man's voice shouting, "You throw another one of those goddamn knives at me, I'm pressin' charges."

Diego sighs and rolls his eyes as he opens the door, "What do you want, Al?" I sigh in relief, I really didn't want to fight Hazel and Cha-Cha in this tight of a space. I sit down on the cot and stroke Five's hair while trying to tune the conversation out but I'm more than a little nosey so it doesn't exactly work out. I don't catch the whole conversation but I get that someone named Detective Patch who must be Diego's "friend" called and told him to meet her at a trashy hotel half an hour ago. But the weird part about it is that she said she found his brother.

"Well, that didn't make any sense." Five is here with us-

"Klaus," we all say in realization.

Diego runs out of the room while Luther waves him off. "Okay, I'll wait here with..." he sighs, "them."

I look up at him while I unconsciously pet Five's hair, "What? Am I that bad of company?"

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