Oh god, all hope is lost.

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"When's it supposed to happen? This...apocalypse."

Five plays with his hands before answering, "I can't give you the exact hour, but...from what I could gather we have four days left."

Luther looks half confused and half astonished, "Why didn't you say something sooner?"

"It wouldn't have mattered," he replied quietly.

"Of course it would. We could've banded together and helped you try to stop this thing."

"For the record, you already tried."

Luther and his poor little heart had to do a double-take. "What do you mean?"

I know this is where it gets hard for Five. The part of the story where Five finds his family dead in the rubble. I rub his back to comfort him as he gathers himself. "I found all of you. Your bodies."

"We die?" Luther asks almost unbelieving. I don't blame him if I was told I would die in 4 days, I wouldn't want to believe it either.

Five looks up at him like he's remembering again, "Horribly. You were together, trying to stop whoever it was that ends the world."

"Wait, how do you know that?"

Five pulls the fabric wrapped eyeball from his pocket, "This was clutched in your dead hand when I found you." He tosses it to Luther, "Must've ripped it out of their head right before you went down."

"Whose head?" Oh god, all hope is lost.

"Like I said, I don't know."

"Well, there's a serial number on the back. Think maybe you could try-"

"No, that's a dead-end," Five interrupts.

I sigh, "One step ahead of you there."

Five laughs disappointedly, "It's just another hunk of glass." Luther reaches over and hands Five back the eye.

All of a sudden, there's a loud bang of the door being shoved open abruptly that makes me halfway jump out of my skin and my head to snap up. Five quickly places his hand on my knee to tell me to calm down but my on edge senses start to actually calm when I see that it's just Diego that barged into the room in a rage. "Piece of shit." Luther stands up to see what Diego is going on about while Five calmly looks up at him with his hand still resting on my knee.

I put my hand over my heart in fake distraught, "Diego you scared the shit out of-"

"Do you have any idea what you just did?" The clearly upset knife thrower is caught by Luther in his storming towards us. "Nope, let me- Get your ape hands off of me!" he says while struggling in Luther's calm grip. 

"I can do this as long as it takes you to calm down," the bigger man replies.

Panting, Diego calms down, "Fine."

Luther drops him, "Now, wanna tell us what you're talkin' about?"

"Our brother and his little girlfriend-"

"I am not-"

"-have been pretty busy since they got back," Diego ignores me and just keeps talking. "They were in the middle of that shootout at Griddy's, and then at Gimble Brothers, after the guys in masks attacked the academy, looking for them," he says pointing at us. "However, I have a sneaking suspicion that our fucked up brother dragged her into this just like the rest of us."


"None of which is any of your concern," Five says quickly. No one ever wants to let me talk. 

"It is now," he whispers sounding broken. "They just killed my friend." Oh god. 

Luther turns around to look at his smallest brother, "Who are they Five?"

"They work for our former employer. A woman called The Handler. She sent them to stop us. Then, soon as Diego's friend got in their way, well, fair game."

"Five," I whisper to him warningly.

"And now their my fair game," Diego says menacingly. "And I'm going to see to it that they pay."

"That would be a mistake, Diego," Five tries to warn. "They've killed people far more dangerous than you."

"Yeah, we'll see about that," he says slamming the door on his way out.

When the door is shut I put my head in my hands, god, what have we done? What if by being here we are just hurting more people? I feel Five rubbing my knee for comfort and immediately start thinking of better thoughts. We knew it would cause trouble in some way or another. We just have to be more careful. It'll all work out in the end. It has to. Outside, I hear a car horn honking and I can only assume it's Diego getting upset. Then, I hear the car drive off.

"Former employer?" Luther asks unbelieving. "What's this really about, Five? And don't give me any of this "It's none of your business" crap, all right? Because Ava has already explained some of her side of the story." 

I look up from my hands and over at Five who is already looking at me. I nod at him to go ahead. He looks back up at Luther, "Well, it's a long story." Luther sits down while looking at Five all the while basically telling him to continue. And off we go. 


Sorry, this one is kinda short but I'm hoping to get another chapter out today.  Love you guys! 

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