I'll just go ensure the end of the world then

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Back again woo! I've stayed up because I'm being the announcer of the Fan Army Face-Off and need to give updates about every five minutes. But it's like 2 am where I am so I need to go to sleep. Thank you for reading! Love you guys!


Mum had led us to one of the smaller office rooms for the case managers. "Five, meet Dot."

Dot looks up excitedly, "Oh, hi!"

"Ava, you remember Dot, don't you?"

I smile reassuringly at the woman sitting at the desk, "Of course. How are you Dot? It's been a while." Yeah, I don't remember her. At all. Normally I'm really good with faces and people. 

Her eyes go wide at my recognition of her. "Oh, yes ma'am I'm doing very well. Th-thank you for asking. How are you?" 

"I'm doing pretty well, thank you."

"Dot is responsible for all apocalypse matters. In fact," Mum says, touching her shoulder, "it was Dot here who first flagged your appearance in 2019."

Dot holds her hand up with a wide smile, "No hard feelings." Five looks at her with a blank stare. 

"Well, you certainly put us through the wringer." Five's eyes flick up to look at Mum with that same blank glare. "Both of you outsmarting two of our so-called best temporal assassins. If that doesn't spell leadership material," Mum says, loudly while snaking her arm around my shoulder while patting Five's shoulder. Everyone goes quiet and stops working to stare at Mum, effectively getting everyone's attention. "I just don't know. I suspect...you like a challenge, Five." She pulls a chair out from an empty desk and taps the chair. "Which is why I've given you a particularly complex first case." She pulls out a red file. 

Five detaches his hand from mine for the first time since we were on the road back in 2019 to grab the file being handed to him. "Is it one of the fun ones?"

"It's too bad Joseph Spah decided against sabotaging the fuel tank." I peak over his arm to look into the file. Inside holds the basic file with a picture of the Hindenburg balloon. "It would have been so much easier. Anyhoo...if you have any questions I'll be right behind you. Ava, you can wander around if you want. Or you can stay here and help Number Five. Although I'm sure he won't need it."

I smile a nod at her politely, "I'll stay if he wants me to. If not I'll find something else to do like always. Thank you, Mum."

"Of course, sweetheart." And with a flourish of her beautiful dress, she walks out of the room.

Five sits down with the file in hand, watching as Mum walks out of the room. Without looking up at me he says, "I would like you to stay."

I snort and lean against the side of his desk, "It's cute that you thought I would leave even if you asked me to."

"If I'm totally honest," he says, laying the file out on his desk, smirking, "I expected nothing less."

"Are you trying to say I pester you," I lean over to look at his plaque on his desk, "Mr. Five?" I try to hide the contagious sly grin that Five has given me but I'm certain it's not working.

"Nooo, why would I ever imply that?" He sifts through the desk drawers trying to find something to write on. He continues with his sarcastic tone, "It's not like you follow me around and torment me all the time."

"Well," I push off the side of the desk, going to the second drawer on his left and pulling out a notebook, "if that's what you really think then I'll just go ensure the end of the world then." I begin to walk away with the notebook still in hand when I hear Five try to stop me.

"Woah, Woah, Woah. Hold on, I was just kidding. Turn back around." I turn back around to face him. "Here." He disappears in a flash of blue light then reappears within a few seconds with a chair. "I'll even get you a chair so you can sit with me."

Notebook clutched to my chest, I make it look as if I'm thinking about it. "Hmmm, I don't know. I might go check-up with some of-"

"Oh, come on. Stop being stubborn and sit down." He rolls his eyes and pats the chair as he sits down on his own. 

"Fine. Fine." I walk back to the desk and sit in the chair. "Here's the notebook you were looking for."

"Thank you." He takes the spiral-bound notebook from my hands and flips it open. He also pulls the file closer to us and begins jotting down important information in bullet points while I look over the photos of the balloon and the surrounding area. After a while and a few pages of notes written by Five and schematics drawn by me, we have a good plan of what needs to be done. Five reaches out to grab the typewriter for himself but instead plops it in front of me. When I look up at him questioningly, he asks, "Can you type it? You've always been quicker at typing. Plus I want to check the math again."

"Uh, yeah, sure." I immediately begin to type as Five looks back at his work in the notebook. 

I don't get very far in my typing before I hear Dot's cheery voice, "Hiya, Five, Ava. How's it going?" I guess it doesn't matter though because I'm already done. It was literally like 10 words. I eject the paper from the typewriter and give it to Five. 


Five's monotone voice cuts me off, "We must have utter silence in order to complete this task."

"Oh-oh, okay." She goes back to her work in silence. 

I hit Five's leg with mine, "Five, that was rude she was just trying to be nice." He gives a slight grunt in recognition but says nothing else as he continues to roll up the paper.

"Hey," Dot peaks her head around again," a few of us are having lunch, and I was wondering if you..." Five opens a drawer loudly and clears his throat giving her a signal to shut up. Jackass. "...you're doing something." 

I roll my eyes at his lack of social skills as he pulls out a message container, which he puts our rolled-up assignment in. "Come on, Av." I get up and quickly follow him out as Dot says bye to us. 

"Oh. By-bye." I quickly turn back around to face her and give her a quick wave. Realizing that Five just kept walking, I jog to catch up to him, looping my arm through his. 

"You know," I say, "We really need to get you some 'be nice' pills or something. You can't just be a jackass to everyone."

"I'm not a jackass to everyone," he says, keeping his eyes forward. 

"No?" I question, unbelieving. "Name one person you aren't a jackass to then."

He turns his head to look at me seriously, "You."

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