Your eyebrow was mocking me

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All-nighter here we comeeee! Also, don't be afraid to comment. I don't bite I promise. (And I actually love your comments)


"Why do I have to play Operation on you? I prefer Clue. I never lose in Clue," I whine as I hold the knife over Five's arm.

He rolls his eyes, "You never lose in any game. That's why I refuse to play anything with you. Now just get this thing out of my arm so we can get out of here before someone calls the cops."

"Sore loser," I say as I dig the tip of the knife along his forearm. Five grunts in pain as I place the knife down and start to carefully, yes carefully, dig around in the cut to find the tracking beacon as blood drips down his arm. I quickly pull out a small, blinking, pill-shaped tracking beacon. Holding it up for us to observe, we watched almost mesmerized by it. I snap out of my trance and sigh as I put it down and rolled up my own sleeve. "Cut me open then Doc."

"There's no need for that," Five says as he picks up the beacon in his own hand and stares at it more.

I scrunch up my eyebrows in confusion at him, "What do you mean 'no need for that'?"

"I signed a contract with the Handler saying that I wouldn't leave you behind.," he says, still staring at the pill intently.

"Okaaaaay, as sweet as that is, it's not helping me figure out why we don't need to get the tracker out of my arm," I say, still confused.

"Well, that's because there isn't a tracker in your arm."

This takes me back a bit, "Excuse me come again now? What do you mean there isn't one in my arm. I need more of an explanation Mr. Riddles."

He sighs and finally looks over at me, who is still holding my arm out and has a very confused look plastered on my face. "You don't have a tracker because I, by contract, agreed that I, as your partner, wouldn't I would not let you out of my sight. And since I have the ability to time travel and you don't there wouldn't really be a way for you to escape from the Commission if I wasn't with you or you didn't have an assigned briefcase. So, I struck up a deal that you couldn't be tracked."

I was at a complete loss for words yet had so many questions. "You-why the hell did you do that? How did you know that I wouldn't-"

"Because you couldn't leave without me. I am the time traveler after all," he smirked.

"You cheeky bastard! I could have gotten myself a briefcase and gone by myself," I say defiantly, crossing my arms and swiveling my chair away from him.

He turned my stool back around to face him and said with a sly grin, "Where? You wouldn't have come back to fix the apocalypse without me Av, now would you?"

With my arms still crossed I closed my eyes and turned my head away with my nose in the air, "If it meant saving the world single-handedly and looking super cool doing it or waiting for your slow grandpa ass I would have." When I get no response out of him, I open up my left eye and take a peek at him. He is just staring back at me with one eyebrow raised saying 'yeah sure you would'. "Shut up I would have."

He raises his hands in mock offense, "I didn't say anything. Now, let's go before the cops actually come." He swivels around on his stool and hops off then waits for me to get up.

"Your eyebrow was mocking me," I pout as I get off the stool and follow him.

"My eyebrows were mocking you?" He scoffs as he opens the door for us.

I glare at him, "Yes, you had one raised and I knew you meant it in a mocking way. Don't make me sound insane, you know exactly what you were doing."

He playfully rolls his eyes, "But you are insane."

"And don't you forget it."

He shakes his head and grins as he drops the beacon in a puddle and straightens his tie as we continue to walk back to the car.


Okay I said I was going to do one more chapter but I really just want to finish the first episode now. You guys aren't complaining right?

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