I thought I was just humming

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We're gonna agree to completely ignore all the spelling and grammatical mistakes that I've made in the past couple of chapters, yeah? Great. 


All of us look out of the windshield, me leaning forward between the two front seats, watching as a car approaches. Here comes the Dim-Witted Duo. 

"Here we go," Five says, opening his door, Luther following his actions and also grabbing the briefcase. As I struggle to scoot out of the back seat, the door opens for me, and there stands Five.

"Oh, what I gentleman," I say in a false swooning voice.

He rolls his eyes, "Get out of the damn car before I lock you inside."

"Grr, not so gentlemanly anymore," I say with a smirk as I get out of the car. 

"Come on," he sighs, stuffing his hands in his pockets and walking around the car. We all stand and watch as the car comes towards us and then passes us to park a little further down the road. "If this all goes sideways," Five says, turning to his larger brother, "do me a favor and protect Ava." He says the last part quieter, like a secret, not intending me to hear. But I do, and it brings a soft genuine smile to my face. 

I pretend I didn't hear the conversation as their car doors open and they get out of their car. "Hey, look! It's our coworkers. Isn't it crazy how you run into friends like this?" I say, sarcastically as Five and I walk toward the two dummies wearing masks. 

"The masks really necessary?" Five asks as we meet in the middle. They both take off their masks and throw them to the side. 

"So, where is it, kid?" Cha-cha asks, straight off the bat.

I smile fakely, "Oh, impatient are we, Cha-cha? Do you have somewhere to be?" 

"Wow, that's how you're gonna start. You know, we can get right back in our car and call it a day," Five says turning his head and motioning back to the car.

Cha-cha pulls a gun out of the back of the band of her pants, aiming it at us. "You won't even make it halfway there."

"Maybe," Five says, calmly, "But as I'm sure as you found out in your previous foray, my brother is not your average giant."

"He's right," Hazel chimes in for the first time. "You dropped a chandelier on him, got right back up."

"By the time you took him out, he'd smash your precious briefcase to a pulp."

"Probably us too, right?" Hazel asks unnecessarily loudly. 

"Probably," I comment with an overly sweet smile. 

"So, how do we help each other?" 

"We need you to get in contact with your superior so we can have a chat with her," Five says smoothly. 

"Face-to-face," I add for clarification. 

"About what?" Cha-cha questions, still pointing her gun at us.

"Well," Five says, "I don't believe that's any of your concern."

Cha-cha shakes her head lightly, "Just don't tell her about the briefcase."

Five and I both nod in assent. "Fair enough." We continue to look at each other for a few seconds before walking away from each other back to our respective vehicles. 

"Well," I say with a pep in my step as we walk back to the car, "this is going fairly well I would say, what about you?"

"Can't get our hopes up too soon," he says, looking over at me. 

"Oh, don't be such a Danny downer," I pout.

He gives me a confused look, "I thought it was Debby downer."

"Well, it is but you're a guy so it's Danny downer. Or would you prefer Debby? Or Daniel? Or Demarcus? Or Delilah? Or-"

"Okay, I get your point," he says, smiling a little as he leans against the car. "You can be really annoying sometimes, you know that?"

"Yup," I say popping the 'p'. I hop up on the trunk of the car beside Five and swinging my legs back and forth, humming a random tune.

Luther walks to us with the briefcase in hand, "What happens now?"

"Now we wait," Five says, keeping his eyes on his opponents. 

Just as Cha-cha gets off the phone with who I assume is Mum and stands next to Hazel, I hear a twinkling of music. I thought I was just humming. Is that Ride of the Valkyries? I turn my head to the source of the noise that apparently everyone heard because Five and Luther are doing the same thing. Five trying to get a better look kicks off of the car and goes around Luther. Coming up over the hill is an ice cream truck at top speed. Or at least the top speed it can go. Everyone watched the vehicle in absolute and utter confusion as it approaches. 

Jumping off the back of the car, I go to stand by Five, "What the hell?"

"Is that her?" Luther questions.

I give a soft, doubtful laugh, "I don't think that's much her style." As the car gets closer and closer, I can start to make out the people in the car and I genuinely laugh out loud with the most amused smile plastered on my face. "Klaus you crazy son of a bitch!"

The car passes us and Klaus waves at us as Luther and Five look thoroughly confused and amused at the same time. I could see Diego in the passenger seat looking like he's about to go down the steepest drop on a roller coaster. This may be my favorite pre-apocalypse day yet!

"What the hell is he doing here?" Five questions, watching them as they keep going.

"Who knows but also, who cares?" I ask grinning from ear to ear. Yet, my smile quickly drops when I hear Cha-cha yell about it being a setup and both Hazel and Cha-cha start shooting. Five quickly grabs me and pulls me into himself as he moves us behind Luther who immediately goes to shield us. I squeeze my eyes shut and try to make myself as small as I can against Five. The gunshots continue to go off well...until they don't. After a few seconds, I curiously open my eyes to see that everything is more vibrant and nothing is moving except for me and Five, who's arms loosened around my middle.

"Are you okay?" he asks from behind me, still holding on.

I nod my head, "Yeah, I'm fine. You?"

"Yeah," he confirms, peeking his head around the frozen Luther. 

I also peek my head around his large body, "You think this is Mum's work?"

"I think it's very likely," he says, finally letting go of me. 

I straighten out my clothes and step around Luther, "Well, then let's go have a chat with mother dearest."


Yes, it is 3:20 in the morning for me. Yes, I have a paper due tomorrow that I haven't even started. Yes, I have a procrastination problem. 

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