Hey! Watch it! Precious cargo here

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Okay, I woke up to 1.1K reads this morning...HOW?! Yesterday there was only 550! That's absolutely insane!! Thank you guys so much for reading!!❤️
Ava's POV:

"Ready to go?" I turn to Five who is packing the backpack I found with more stuff.

I slowly get up off the bed, "Yeah, let's go."

Five slings the backpack over his shoulder and motions his hand to the open window, smirking, "After you, your Highness."

"Oh, fuck off." I end up climbing through the window and carefully lowering myself onto the fire exit anyway. "Why does being shot have to hurt so much?"


"That was rhetorical. Don't answer that."

He rolls his eyes and jumps down to the fire escape too. As we walk down the stairs of the fire escape, I can hear someone talking to themselves and rooting through what sounds like the dumpster below us.

"Damn it, where's Dad's stuff?" A pause. "Shut up!"

I turn around to look at Five, "Who's he talking to?"

"Probably some ghost," he replies casually. This family is really weird if that is considered normal.

"Hi, Klaus!" I  call out while I wave at him over the railing. 

He looks up at me starting to climb down the ladder, "Oh, Ava! How is my favorite teenager doing?"

"I'm," I involuntarily look down at my stomach a bit, "great. Whatcha up to?"

"I'm trying to find whatever...priceless crap was in that priceless box so that Pogo will get off my ass!"

"I'd ask what you were up to also, Klaus, but then it occurred to me..." Five pauses on the stairs, "I don't care." 

"Hey!" Klaus cries weakly referring to Five's jest. "You know there are easier ways to get out of the house, buddy?"

"This one involved the least amount of talking," Five jumps down dramatically beside me. He has the backpack full of supplies on his back after he insisted on carrying it himself. 

"Or so we thought," I finish. 

"Hey, hey, hey, so..." Klaus quickly runs closer to our side of the dumpster with his flask in hand, "you need any more company today? I could, uh...clear my schedule."

"Looks like you've got your hands full," Five replies with his sarcastic smile.

"Oh, this? No, no. I can do this whenever. I'm just-"

"But didn't you just-" I am interrupted by Klaus falling over backward in the dumpster and clattering around. Okay, then. 

"I just misplaced something," the druggie calls out extra loud to try to shush me. "That's all. Oh!" He pops up holding a half-eaten bagel. "Found it! Thank god!" I cringe as he takes a slow, weary bite out of the garbage bagel. I'm going to throw up. Klaus that can't be sanitary. Klaus gulps and tries to speak through his strained voice of disgust, "Delicious."

"We're done funding your drug habit," Five says starting to walk away.

I follow beside him, "To be fair we didn't even pay him in the first place."

"Come on! You don't- Maybe I just want to hang out with my brother. You kno- not you. Mi Hermano!" 

Five takes off the backpack and quickens his steps, "Come on, let's get the van."

I kind of feel bad for leaving Klaus. "But what about-"

"Ignore him."

"That's rude Five he's-"

"I love you!" Klaus calls out. "Even if you can't love yourself!"

"Quick!" We open up our doors, hop in and Five starts the engine. I quickly roll down my window and wave to Klaus as we pull away. Five pretty much guns it and without my seatbelt on, I start bumping around. 

"Hey! Watch it! Precious cargo here," I cry out as head hits the doorframe.

Five shakes his head as he pulls onto the road, "Well, buckle your seatbelt then, Precious Cargo."

"You still don't have to drive like a bat out of hell though," I mumble, buckling my seatbelt. "It's not like the Meritech building is going anywhere anytime soon."

"Actually, in a couple of days, it will be ash if we don't find out the owner of this eye. So, I'd kind of like to go ahead and get there."

"There are things called laws, ya know. Rules that you have to apply to while on the road," I sass.

He gives me a quick unbelieving side-ways glance, "We are both highly trained assassins who have killed some of the most influential people in history and have started cosmic events. Since when do either of us follow laws?"

I give him the side-eye, "Point taken."


Let me just say, I am sooooo sorry I didn't update earlier today. I spent the night at my friend's house and now I'm planning to leave to go visit my family tomorrow morning. And I feel so bad because this is so short! I will try to write more tomorrow on the drive. Thank you so much for the support!!

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