Yeah, but we aren't rapists

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Don't you love three updates in one night? Well...morning? Yeah, it's 2 in the morning, what about it? I'm doing it for you guys so you can't judge me.


"God, I'm tired," I yawn out as I collapse on Vanya's couch.

"Well then take a nap and I'll wake you up later," Five says as he sits in Vanya's chair near the window.

"I might just take you up on that offer," I murmur sleepily already half asleep. However, it doesn't even feel like a couple of seconds later when we hear Vanya's footsteps on the stairs. "You have got to be fucking joking me."

Five shushes me through the dark and waits for his sister to unlock her door. When she does so, she reaches for the lightswitch but Five beats her to it and turns on the lamp beside him, successfully scaring his sister.

"Jesus!" she quietly exclaims out of surprise.

"You should have locks on your windows," Five comments as he stares at his sister.

Vanya places her keys down on what I guess is a table, "I live on the second floor."

"Rapists can climb," he adds.

"Yeah, but we aren't rapists so we just spacial jumped up here," I say popping my head over the back of the couch.

She jumps a little out of surprise again but just turns around to close her door like this is half normal for her. "You are so weird."

I sit up and rub my eyes to try to as they say 'rub the sleep out' of them. Let me just tell you, it doesn't work. Vanya sits down beside me after taking off her coat. She rubs her hands on her knees nervously then stops as she looks at Five and notices something.

"Is that blood?" she asks worriedly. Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

Five looks down at his arm, even though she clearly meant the huge spot of blood on his collar, then looks back up at her, "It's nothing."

Still unconvinced, she asks, "Why are you guys here?" She then turns to me, "No offense you seem great."

I smile sleepily at her, "None taken."

"We've decided that you're the only one we can trust," Five says, drawing the attention back to him.

"Why me?" she fires back quickly. Obviously she has never been chosen to be trusted so this comes as a surprise. She developed a type of mindset that she can't be trusted easily and that she has to apologize for everything considering that she basically apologized after asking why we were in her house. Ugh, nevermind I'm too tired to profile people.

"Because you're ordinary."

Vanya looks a little hurt by this. I glare at Five, just because it's true doesn't mean you have to say it.

"Because you will listen," Five corrects himself.

I lean over to Vanya, "Do you mind getting me some stuff to fix up his arm? You know how he is, he won't fix it himself."

"Okay," she says while getting up. She walks back to what I assume is a bathroom within her bedroom.

I walk over to sit on the arm of Five's chair, "Do you mind being a bit more sensitive to your sister since she's probably the only one that will actually listen to us?

"Sensitivity is not really my thing," he says while securing an arm around my middle to make sure I don't fall off the chair. I almost shiver as his arm wraps around me and holds me in my place. It has to be an innocent gesture, right? No meaning?


"Here is what I could find-" she looks up from the supplies in her hand, "sorry did I interrupt something?"

"No, of course not. Thank you, Vanya," I say quickly grabbing the cotton pads and alcohol from her. I move over to the very corner of the couch closest to Five and start pouring the alcohol on the pad while Five rolls up his sleeve. I purposely let my hair fall in front of my face as I do this to try and hide my probably pink cheeks. Stupid. Of course, it didn't mean anything. What are you dumb? When I look back up I look straight at Five's arm and nothing else, ignoring the owner of the arm's intentional staring at me. Just ignore him and let him and Vanya talk.

After a second or two of me cleaning his arm and not looking up, he gives up on trying to catch my eye and looks over at Vanya. "When I jumped forward and got stuck in the future, do you know what I found?" Five asks with a grim expression.

"No," she replies.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. As far as I could tell, I was the last person left alive. I never figured out what killed the human race, but...I did find something else. The date it happens. The world ends in eight days, and I have no idea how to stop it." I can tell he was having a flashback so I rub his arm a little sympathetically and finally look up to give him a weak smile. He looks back down at me and returns it to me.

Beside me, Vanya is silent for a couple of long moments before she says, "I'll put on a pot of coffee." 


Holy shit that took longer than I thought it would. Aaaaand I just learned that Season 2 comes out at 3 am here and it's like 2:50 so I'm probably not sleeping tonight...Happy Season 2!

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