Can I be like Wolverine?

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I have so much planned for this story that I literally had to make a checklist of what I wanted to add. Is that bad? 

Also, I'm trying to make longer chapters so I may not update as often but I'll keep trying to write as much as possible. 


"Five, Luther, I've got the case! Get your shit and let's go!"

From the top of the stairs I hear Five yell back, "You have the only shit we need." Next thing I know he's right beside me. 

"Well, then let's get this shitshow on the road," I say, walking towards the door, swinging my arms with the briefcase in one hand.

Five snatches my free hand and pulls me toward him, "Hold your horses there, cowgirl. We still have to wait for Luther."

I groan, "Ugh! Luther, let's go! We have somewhere to be, big man!" 

"Hold on I have to take a leak," Luther also calls from the top of the stairs. 

"TMI, space boy." I set the false case down on the ground. Since we're going to be waiting for another 5 minutes. I laid my head on Five's shoulder, "I need a nap."

He gives me a small smirk, "You seemed pretty energetic about 15 seconds ago what happened? Did you yell all the energy out of yourself?"

"Maybe I did, asshat. My throat hurts a little considering that I did just get my neck wrung like 20 minutes ago."

His face turns serious again, "Are you sure you're okay? It's already starting to turn blue right here," he says, lightly touching a sore part of my neck. 

I wince, "Yeah, I can feel it."

He retracts his hand, "Sorry. And what about your bullet wound? How does that feel?"

"My wh- oh. I completely forgot about that." I look down at my abdomen. "It doesn't even hurt anymore."

Five eyes me skeptically, "What do you mean it doesn't hurt? That should still be a little sore when you move, especially when you're not hyped up on painkillers."

"Huh," I shrug my shoulders. "That's weird."

"Let me check it," Five swoops down to pull the bottom of my shirt up but I slap his hand away. "What?"

"What the hell do you think you are doing, Mister?"

His face scrunched up in confusion, "Uh, checking where you got shot to see why you don't feel any pain?"

"Excuse you, I can lift my own shirt, thank you very much," I say sticking my nose in the air and crossing my arms in a joking way.

"Well, alright then, Miss. Priss. By all means," he says, motioning to my shirt.

"Thank you," I un-tuck the bottom of my shirt and vest from my skirt and lift it just high enough to see where the gunshot wound should have been. Emphasis on should have been. Five gets down on his knees to get a better look at the missing hole in my abdomen. All that was left now was a little white scar.

"What the-"

"Woah, take that to somewhere private. I don't need to see this," Luther says, standing at the bottom of the stairs. 

Five rolls his eyes, "I'm checking her bullet wound you, idiot. Or at least where it should be." 

"Bullet wound?" Luther's eyes practically bulge out of his head, "You got shot?"

"Yeah, it's not that big of a deal," I reply, still curiously looking down at the absent damage to my stomach. "Well, I was shot. I don't know what happened to it though."

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