Hosted by your truly, Ava!

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Hey, guys! Sorry, I haven't updated in a while, I was taking summer college classes and my computer crashed and had to wait to get a new one. It took like three weeks just from when we ordered it and then once I got it it was being weird but it's working now! Not that you really care so on to the chapter! Enjoy!


After Five gets whatever the hell address he needed from the tow truck man and tucks it in his pocket, the guy exits the shop as we continue eating and drinking the free stuff he bought us. Well, at least that's until what we try to do until the bell behind us dings indicating that someone is entering the diner. Five takes a look in the bell between us while I don't even bother to look.

I wonder who has come to visit us? Could it be some of our friends or is it just another late-night guest? Welcome back to the life or death guessing game hosted by your truly, Ava!

Five gives me a quick side glance that I know means "get ready" for the may I say many times that we have had to fight off people. Five continues to look into the reflective surface of the bell as he places his coffee back down looking quite unbothered and bored.

"Hmm. That was fast," he says while looking straight forward, "I thought we'd have more time before they found us."

I frown into the teacup that I am sipping out of, "Yeah me too. Kinda disappointing I at least wanted to finish my tea off first. Do you gents mind?"

Ignoring my comment, the man aiming a gun at Five and I's heads says, "Okay. Let's all be professional about this, yeah? On your feet and come with us. They want to talk."

"We've got nothing to say," Five replies.

"It doesn't have to go this way." Oh, how overly dramatic and naive you are sir. "You think I wanna shoot some kids? Go home with that on my conscience?"

"Well, I wouldn't worry about that." Five turns to the man, looking straight into the gun's barrel, "You won't be going home."

I smile cheekily as Five grabs the butter knife that is neatly placed out on the counter and grabs my hand with his other. Before the poor sap even knows what's happening, we disappear within the blue light of Five's spacial jump.

Next? All hell breaks loose. Five jumps us behind the first attacker as he stabs the man with the butter knife and causes him to start firing his gun that causes a chain reaction in shooting another guy and making every other assassin fire their gun at us. Meanwhile, I am running behind a booth for cover since I can't just magically move myself through space. The room goes quiet from the lack of gunfire as I guess that these dumbasses are trying to find out where we are. Really guys? It's not like I'm just hiding behind a booth or anything.  

The lights start to flicker on and off giving off a nice eerie vibe. Next thing I know, Five shows up beside me and grabs on to my arm. That would have scared the shit out of me if I wasn't used to it by now. We get jumped on top of one of the tables where Five is laying down sideways while I stand on the table behind him with my arms crossed.

"Hey, assholes!" he calls out to the last four. They all turn to us and start to shoot as I raise my hand and wiggle my fingers at them in a wave and again we jump away as Five reaches back and touches my leg with his hand. We end up outside of the shop at the glass door and watch as they continue to shoot at the area where we just were. 

"What a waste of bullets," I whisper while shaking my head.

Five shakes his head with me. "Amateurs," he whispers along. He quickly changes his expression as he taps on the glass in front of us. The guy closest to us looks over and I smile sweetly and wave at him enthusiastically. Hands latched, we jump again as the man starts to shoot at the glass door.

When we appear again, Five has dropped me off at one of the men as he moves on to take care of another. I quickly break the handle of the mop next to me and stab it in the man's torso. Ohhhh that had to of hurt. I quickly shrug it off and turn around to find my next victim to see that Five has already snapped another's neck with his tie. Wow, I like that move. I'm going to have to try that one day. Now, he is grabbing a pencil off the table next to him and he shoves it-ohhhh that was a low blow Five! Literally!

I look up and see that someone else is trying to get to Five so I quickly pick up Five's old mug and throw it at him, coffee and all. And he...falls backward? Okay I know I'm not that strong dude I get it but you don't need to fake it jeez.

I turn back to my previous entertainment of watching as Five mauls this man and see that he is stabbing the guy in the eye with the pencil. I wince, Ouch. Five then gets up and runs toward me and my eyes widen as he tackles me and jumps us behind the counter. The two men I guess I didn't see get up, shoot each other dead.

"Gotta watch out. You can't just watch me the whole time," Five smirks as he says, letting go of me as we jump back in front of the counter to survey our work. He crosses over to the man he half-strangled half snapped his neck, takes his tie off the man, and replaces it around his neck.

I roll my eyes and walk over to him to fix his tie, "Oh shut up, I'm just trying to watch you for future techniques." I center his tie on his neck, tighten it, tuck it into his vest, and finally flip his collar down as he watches my movements. "What?" I ask as I finish by patting his chest.

He opens his mouth to say something but a man beside us grunts and gasps in pain as he tries to crawl away. Five quickly walks over to him and snaps his neck. If he would have only stayed quiet until we left then he might have lived. Shame he was too dumb to realize that. Still kneeling over the man, Five looks over and spots a tracker. He holds it up for me to see clearer and smiles in his sarcastic way, "We have some digging to do."


I'm going to try to get at least one more chapter out tonight since I haven updated in a hot minute and the new season is coming out TOMORROW and I am still somehow only just about to finish episode 1. HOW?! THIS IS ALREADY MY SEVENTH CHAPTER

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