And scene

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Hey everyone! How are you guys doing today? OH! We hit 22.5k so that's exciting! Thank you guys so much! It makes me so happy seeing how much this has grown and it's all because of you guys! So again thank you so much I really couldn't have done this without you. 

On another note...I know some of y'all are gonna lose it while reading this chapter. Have fun!


Mum was so proud of the quick, brilliant work that we had done that she walked us back into the management office herself. I wouldn't be surprised if she gave a whole embarrassing-

"I'm sure you've all heard," speech...damn it, Mum, "that Mr. Five and Mrs. Gray have proven to be as adept with pens as they were with swords. Let their efforts serve as inspiration to you all." I lightly groan in embarrassment as Five and I sit back down at his desk. "Herb!" I jump with the man at the desk to our left. "How long have you been on the Lusitania?" 

Five nudges me to look at the new case file he holds in his hands as the man beside us stutters for an answer. "Oh, ah...well, let's see, I, uh...I..."

I zone everything out and blankly stare at the file in Five's hands. My eyes are unfocused as I think about how I got back to this hell I called home for so many years. Of course, I got pulled back here. What did I think? That I was going to escape with Five and say "sayonara suckers" and live the rest of my life without my past coming back to bite me in the ass? Well, I suppose that's exactly what I thought. God, I was so naive to think that. What a realistic plan, Ava. Escape, save the world, and live the rest of your life happily? Who do you think you are? Some kind of movie character who gets a happy ending? No, you're a fucked up-

I feel the light touch of a warm hand right above my knee. "Ava?" My head snaps up to the soft voice of Five. "Are you okay?" I nod my head, afraid that my voice would betray me with the lump that seemed to be stuck in my throat. "Come on, talk to me."

I shake my head looking back down at my lap, "I'm fine. I just...I just zoned out is all."

 "Come on, don't lie to me." His thumb lightly rubs my leg comfortingly. I know he's trying to get me to calm down but every second I'm in here I panic more. 

"It's stupid. It's nothing. I'm fine." I stand up and turn around rooting around Dot's desk, making sure I don't make things too out of place. I can feel Five staring at my back as I move. "I can get over it, Five. It's not a big deal."

"It's about being back here isn't it?"

I grab the red file I'm looking for and turn around, "I feel stuck, okay? I feel like I can't breathe here. Like I can't escape. Is that what you want to hear? It doesn't matter if I'm having a hard time being back here, Five. I don't matter. Me freaking out a little means nothing in the long run. What really matters is getting back out and saving the rest of the world, so can we please just drop it?"

He looks like he's about to argue but instead grabs the file from my hand and shoves it up his sweater vest. "Come on," he says, grabbing my hand, dragging me out of the room. 

I crack a small smile, "And we're off!"


"To the bathroom?" I ask as Five continues to tug me into a small cubical. "You know if you needed to go you could have just told-"

He reaches for the hem of his sweater vest, "No, just lock the door."

"Okay, woah now-" Five pulls out the red file we stole. Ohhhhhh. I quickly turn around and lock the stall door. When I turn around Five is sitting on the toilet and has the file hastily opened and his face shifts to an annoyed one. "Shit," he says lowering the file so I can see a big smiley face on the sheet.

But then the door to the restroom opens and heels click on the tile floor. I immediately panic knowing there is nowhere for me to go. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shi- I squeak out of surprise when Five grabs the back of my thighs and pulls me on his lap so I'm straddling him. The file was quickly wedged in between our bodies as I quickly lock my hands behind his neck and he keeps his hands on my thighs to hold me in place. My feet are hooked around the inside of his knees to keep my feet from showing while he holds up a finger in between our faces (which were very close together), signaling me to be quiet. My heart is practically beating out of my chest and my face is flushed from panic and the position Five and I are now stuck in. Damn, we are really close. 

"So, how's your first day going?" Mum's voice rings out from outside our stall. 

Five, who's face is flushed as well, looks right into my eyes as he replies, "Couldn't be better." Mum's heels click into the stall beside us and she locks her door. 

I can feel the material of my skirt riding up my thighs so I try to take my arms from around Five to pull it back down. When my hands detach from each other Five fixes me with a hard look and a small shake of his head. 'My skirt,' I mouth, pointing down at the fabric that has ridden up 2/3rds of the way up my thigh. Five just smirks back at me and shakes his head again, pulling me closer to him by his grip on my thighs. This only makes slightly breathless as the edge of the skirt creeps further up my leg. Cheeky asshole. 

Mom drops her skirts, coughs, and starts peeing. I physically cringe at the sound because it's just so damn awkward. "Glad to hear it." She starts to hack like shes a cat coughing up a furball and I start to wonder if she's dying. "I burned my rugae." Damn it. "Ever burned your rugae? Ruuugaeee."My god, is she ever going to stop peeing? "The ridges on the hard palate that helps pass food to the esophagus. Anyway, I'm on a liquid diet for two days, hence the marathon of urination. One faulty cog, and nothing works as it should." I quietly sighed while I closed my eyes and tilted my head back. How the fuck did I end up in this situation? 

"You know, we value integrity at the office above all else." I whip my head up and look at Five wide-eyed.

'She knows,' I mouth to him. 'Fuck.' 

"Trust is essential, and that trust is...built over time. But in the event of a breach," she says, putting her skirts back on, "the Commission will act swiftly and without mercy. An efficiency I'm sure you above all people can appreciate, Number Five." The toilet next to us flushes as Five pulls me ever closer. Plan, plan, plan we need a plan. What could we both be in a stall for that's PG? No, don't let your mind wander there. Plan, plan, plan-OH! "I'm feeling peckish. Have you had your lunch?"

I look at Five and quickly detach my arms from around his neck again. He looks at me warningly and I poke him to respond. "Not yet," he answers. I put a hand over my chest and make a quick-paced breathing motion then move my fingers down from the corner of my eyes. Fake a panic attack. He quickly nods and I wrap my arms around his neck again but this time I also put my face into the crook of his neck. 

"Great! How would you like to lunch with me in my office? And Ava can come along too." I hear Mum's heels clicking on the floor towards us.

"Hands on my back," I whisper hurriedly into his ear. He quickly tugs down the hem of my skirt, covering my thighs more, and puts his hands on my back making it seem like he's soothing me. Thank god.

"You two can eat solid foods," Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, start fake crying, "and I can live vicariously...through you."

Five rubs his hands along my back as I stifle fake cries into his shoulder. "Sounds great," Five replies. 

"Oh hun, what's wrong?" Mum coos, seeing me 'crying'. If life ever goes back to normal I'm becoming an actress because I'm hella good at this. I suck in a few quick, large breaths and then somewhat steady the unrhythmic breathing.

"She's just um...having a hard first day back," he explains, rubbing up and down my back. I hear him lightly mouth the words, "Panic attack."

"Okay, well, get yourself sorted and I'll have lunch set out for you two when you get into my office. Ava, you know where it is." I nod my head with a sniffle and I hear her heels clack out of the bathroom.

Once I know she's out of the bathroom I lift my head off of Five's shoulder and smirk at him, "And scene."


How was that? I hope that makes up for my lack of writing lately. I have been planning that scene for soooooo long! Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed it! 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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