Don't even try it, buddy

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Sorry I keep re-publishing this, the first time I forgot a part, and this time I realized I forgot to edit it. This is the last time I promise. 


I remember it like it was yesterday. 

"Come on Ava, we have places to be! People to recruit!"

"Coming, Mum!" I jog down the last flight of stairs and meet my "Mother" at the bottom. It's kinda weird because I look I could be her mother but I guess that's what I get for going on so many long term undercover missions back in the 1800s. I swear they give her an age potion or treatment or something. "Why do I have to go recruit him? Isn't it enough that I'm already assigned to him?"

She looks at me with a knowing look, "Darling, you have to make a good first impression! We want Number Five to feel as comfortable as possible when coming in and another pretty face couldn't hurt the process. Plus, you're one of our most skill negotiators."

"Okay, okay, let's just get this over with," I grab her hand and she opens the briefcase and bam we're in the scene that I have viewed on the screens so many times. Destruction, rubble, fire, the end. It feels so much more real now that I'm actually here. Sadly, I was teleported on to a piece of not so sturdy rubble that started to break and make more noise than was necessary. Looking at the man who was undoubtedly out of his mind due to him talking to a piece of a mannequin, I could tell he heard my slight stumble. He reached to the side for his hunting rifle and I was quick to grab my pistol from my hip holster. We both aim our guns at each other at the same time. Mum calmly waves at him with a smile on her face. "Drop the gun," I call out to him.

"No chance in hell!" he yells back at me. 

Mum looks over at me, "Ava darling, put your gun down. Number Five will cooperate with us."

"Sorry, Mum," I say shifting my stance. "I'm not putting mine down until he does."

"Who the hell are you?" Five yells at us. What is it with him and yelling we are right here?

"We're here to help," Mum replies as she walks towards Number Five. I follow her lead and advance toward him while still aiming my gun at the center of his forehead.

"Tell me why I shouldn't put a bullet through your heads right now!"

"Because I have a semi-auto trained right between your eyes and you wouldn't get but one shot in before you're bleeding out on that stack of rubble behind you," I replied cooly.

"Because..." Mum corrects while walking closer and placing down the briefcase, "if you did," she lifts her veil and takes off her sunglass, "you wouldn't hear the offer I'm about to make you." She goes over to a big piece of rubble while I stay standing keeping my gun trained on the man in front of me who started to lose track of his target and let his gun down some. "Which would be rather tragic, given your...current circumstances. We work for an organization called the Commission. We are tasked with the preservation of the time continuum through manipulation and removals."

"I don't understand," the confused man asks with his weapon now lowered.

Mum closes her cigarette case with a small snap, "Sometimes, people...make choices that alter the timeline. Free will, don't get me started. When that happens we dispatch one of our agents, like my lovely Ava here," she says pointing to me with her cigarette, "to...eliminate the threat." 

Five quickly raises his gun at us again. "Don't even try it, buddy," I warn.

"No, no, no, no," Mum chuckles. "You misunderstand me. You're not a target. You're a recruit." Five lowers his gun again. "I've come to offer you a job, Number Five. We've had our eye on you for quite some time. And we think you have a lot of potential. Your survival skills have made you a celebrity back at headquarters. That and your ability to jump through time."

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