My name is Ava Gray

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It feels like something close to forever that we had been sitting there in the quiet. Luther had been going between looking at me and Five (who was still out cold), to the floor, to the ceiling, and to the objects in the room which he had already looked at. It was getting very annoying at this point.

"What do you want to say, Luther?" I ask, sighing.

His head snaps to me, which was previously looking at a picture of the umbrella academy that was hung up in a wooden frame that looked like it had knives thrown at it at least half a dozen times. "What do you-"

"Don't beat around the bush just go ahead and get it over with."

"What is this whole apocalypse thing?"

I sigh and look to Five who's head I now have in my lap, "That's not my story to tell. It's his."

"Oh, okay, well I just assumed that you-"

"You of all people should know that assuming isn't a good thing," I say looking at him pointedly.

His face hardens, "Who are you? Because no one else but Dad knew about that until today. And where the hell did you come from? Suddenly you and Five just come out of nowhere talking about an apocalypse and an eyeball or something and expect us to just go with it. And what are you doing with Five? Where do you come in? What do you want with our family?"

I look at him with an unamused look plastered on my face, "Are you done?" He nods and gives a small grunt. "If you want my whole life story then fine, my name is Ava Gray. I don't have a family so I was raised and trained at the commission. I worked with Five as his partner when he was taken in as an agent but, before that, I worked alone because I was efficient and clean when I worked alone. When Five was taken in, the Handler, who for lack of a better word was my mother, requested that he was to be assigned to me. Our skills complemented each other and made us the perfect team.

Five isn't very trusting as we know but I eventually got him to open up which was especially hard since I was "commission offspring who is destined to follow the commission like a sheep to the slaughter," in his very specific words. It was a slow process but eventually, he told me about what was to come and why we had to stop it. And he told me about you, his family, and how he needed to get back to everyone." I give a short laugh and a small smile as I look down at the boy I am talking about, rubbing the side of his now slightly chubby cheek. "He was pretty hell-bent on it too. He almost busted a blood vessel in his eye."

I looked over at the "number one" of the family and his face had softened. "And as for what I want with your family? Nothing. I just want to find one of my own one day. And right now the closest thing I have to that is Five. He may be a grumpy, stubborn hardass but he's all I've got."

"Well," Luther begins, "I can tell Five cares about you. He wouldn't have let any of us do half the stuff he's let you do. And he's never been able to put up with us for more than a couple hours at a time."

I laugh, "Yeah, well I imagine he only barely puts up with me most of the time."

"Klaus has taken a pretty quick liking to you. He's been talking about you non-stop," he says, smiling.

I smile at this too, "Well, that's not a huge surprise. He's a people person and he has the personality for it."

"Yeah, he's something else."

I was about to reply but Five groaned and began to move his head around. "Morning sleeping beauty."

Five groaned again as he snuggled his head further into my lap, "What time is it?"

"Um, I don't know," I look up at Luther trying not to laugh. "I'd say about 1 in the morning."

"It's too early. Let me sleep," he says, squeezing his eyes shut further.

Luther clears his throat and Five's eyes pop open and glare at his brother. "We need to talk."

"Fine," he closes his eyes again. "Get me painkillers and then we can talk."

"I've got some in my bag," I say, tapping Five's shoulder in a signal to move.

"No," he says, refusing to move.

"Five, move."


I sigh, "Luther if you will pass me my bag," I say, pointing to the backpack on the ground. Luther gets up from his seat to retrieve my bag for me. "Stubborn shit," I mutter.

Five smiles with his eyes still closed, "I was just too comfortable to move yet."

"Cheeky bastard," I say, rolling my eyes. Luther hands me my bag and I fish the ibuprofen out of the bottom of the bag. I try to hand him the bottle, "Here you go, Sleepy."

He opens his eyes and smirks at me, "Will you feed them to me, nurse?"

I scoff and reach into the bottle to pull two of the pills out of the bottle, "Sit your lazy ass up. Luther, will you please get your lethargic brother a glass of water, please?"

"Hey," Five says sitting up quickly, but quickly cringing at his quick movements. "I'm not lethargic."

"Lethargic: affected by lethargy; sluggish or apathetic. Lethargy: a state of weariness that involves diminished energy, mental capacity, and motivation. So yes Five, you are lethargic. Or does your diminished mental capacity need me to explain it in layman's terms?" I raise my eyebrow at him with a smirk now spread across my face, his own having slipped straight off his face.

"Give me my damn pills."

I smile sweetly and hand him his pills and water, "That's what I thought."

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