It's usually about some dumb math equation

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Sooooo I just figured out that this already has 3.1K reads and all I have to say is talk you guys SO much!!


First, we stopped at a convenience store which I thought was a little weird at first until Five grabbed a bottle of vodka, a bag of chips, and a first aid kit. One item for him and two for me. But, since we were still physically 13-year-olds, Five had to stuff the bottle of liquor into the backpack. Don't get all uptight, we paid for everything else! Chill out Granny we're not thieves, we're assassins. There's a difference.

Once we'd paid for our items (well most of them), we left the store, and Five grabbed on to me again and we disappeared into the swirl of blue. This time our destination was even weirder to me.

"Okay, what the fuck are we doing at the public library?" I ask as I look up at the large building.

"Well, we need to do some research," he says while tugging me along by our connected hands.

I groan, "You always say that but then you just end up doing stuff I don't understand and I just sit there looking dumb like that old rule back in the old days."

Five pulls me through the front doors and the turnstiles. "I think the term is 'sit still, look pretty'."

"Well, I am very pretty but, I'm not a history person."

He chuckles at my joke, "You've literally time traveled through about 20 different decades, haven't you picked up on anything?"

"Of course I have!" I say grinning. "I've picked up on many ways to annoy you!"

He shakes his head with a playful smile adorning his face. "Out of all the things you could have learned, you decide the most important is how to annoy me?"

"Yup!" I say popping the p.

"You are something else," he says while pulling me into the elevator and clicking the top floor button.

"I know," I say with an over-exaggerated and very toothy smile. "So what kind of research does The Professor of Bullshit have to do today?"

He scoffs at my nickname, "'The Professor of Bullshit' very mature, Av."

"Only the best for you," I say with another toothy smile.

"Well if you must know, I am going to try to look over my old formulas so we can try to get back and fix this. Or maybe just come up with a way to fix all of this. Maybe the butterfly effect will work," he continues muttering to himself as we step out of the elevator.

"Oh! I know that one. The butterfly effect is a chaos theory that states that one minute change in a complex system can have a large impact on the way the rest of the event plays out."

Five's eyes slightly widen at my definition, "Okay, Mrs. Walking Dictionary."

"Math equations are your thing," I say pointing at him then pointing to myself, "words are mine."

"Well, if Mrs. Walking Dictionary wants to go read to try and stuff more words into that thick skull of hers, then this is the perfect place to go. And," he reaches into the backpack, "here are your chips."

"They're actually called crisps in Europe. And chips are fries. Isn't that weird? But also so funny and cool. I absolutely love Europe-"

"Okay, okay, we get it Wordy. Now, our meeting point is going to be the elevator so when you get done looking for a book, come back here. Got it?"

I give him a salute, "Sir, yes, sir!"

"Now off you go, soldier!" I stiffly turn around and start marching off with my bag of chips under my arm while trying to hold in my laughs. As I walk off my laughing diminishes and I start looking through the many bookshelves.

"Hmm, what shall we read today?" My fingers pass over the many book spines looking for a good book to pass the time. My fingers stop over a book that is called The Naturals. "Oh, hello. Who are you?"

I slide the book out of the shelf and read the back cover. Once I've read the description I know, this is the one. I quickly and happily walk back to the elevator hallway with my chips under one arm and my book in my other hand. When I get to the elevator, Five is sitting on the ground with about four notebooks, a newspaper, and his bottle of liquor.

"Looks like you have your work cut out for you."

He looks up at me, "Eh, it isn't that hard."

"Five, I see a single equation that takes up half the page," I say pointing to one of the open notebooks.

"As I said, it isn't that hard."

I scoff as I sit down beside him, "You make no sense."

"And you make all the sense in the world," he snarks back good-naturedly while patting my knee. I just roll my eyes and open my chips. He goes back to writing in one of his notebooks, "What book did you choose?"

I immediately get excited when he asks this. "It's called The Naturals. It's about a group of kids who have a range of skills, that they get naturally, that are used in crime-solving. They start off with cold cases but then one case turns out to be not so cold and they are thrust into a live case and end up being in real danger. So, they have to work together to try to solve the case while also learning to work together." When I finish my ramble I look over and see Five staring at me.

"Did you know your eyes light up when you get excited about something?"

I cock my head to the side, "Really?"

"Yeah, it's pretty cu- funny," he corrects himself.

"Well, yours do too," I say poking his forehead as I giggle, "but it's usually about some dumb math equation."

He rolls his eyes, "Read your book and leave me alone."

"Gladly," I quickly open up my book and start reading as Five scratches away in his notebooks.

"Hey, lovebirds, get up." I'm being nagged at and poked awake before I even know whats going on. My eyes slowly open to see Diego crouching in front of me and poking my shoulder. When did I fall asleep?

"What's happening?" I go to sit up but there is a weight around my shoulders. What the hell? I look to my right to see Five still asleep knocked out cold more like it, holding a bottle in the hand that is around my shoulders. All of his notebooks are still on the ground but when I look a little past his sleeping face, I see the writing on the walls. He literally wrote on the walls.

"We need to get you guys out of here before security comes and gets you," I look past Diego and see Luther standing there as large as life.

"Son of a bitch, someone called security?" I lift Five's arm from around me and scramble to pick everything up and shove it in the backpack.

"Yeah, now let's go before they come after your punk asses," Diego says trying to prod Five awake. When he doesn't move I sigh.

"Someone's just going to have to carry him. I told him earlier that he doesn't have the tolerance for that much alcohol in that body."

"I guess I'll carry him," Luther steps forward and picks him up with ease. I simply pick up the backpack and throw it over my shoulder.

"We ready to go?"

On the other side of the library level we hear a woman's voice saying, "Yes sir, they are just over here."

"I guess that's our queue then," I say as I dash into the elevator and quickly click the down button as everyone clambers in. 

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