Normally you're just a madman

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Hey guys I'm so so so so sorry for not updating! School has S U C K E D and I've gotten into some really good books on here. It seems like I haven't read on here in forever! But hopefully, I'll get some chapters out soon to make up for my lack of writing. Also, I've already started planning out season 2 and I'm really excited to start that! Lastly, for the people asking for a face claim for Ava I have chosen (drumroll please)...Lola Flanery! Aka:


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"Room 103, the Tuberoom, this is it," I say, reaching for the doorknob. Five slaps my hand away and I give him a shocked look. "What the hell was that for?"

"Shut up, I'm trying to be a gentleman." Saying this, he continues to turn the doorknob and pushes open said door then, motions for me to go in.

I widen my eyes in mock shock, "Oh wow, Five being a gentleman. That's new. Normally you're just a madman."

He sighs and rolls his eyes, "Just go in the room, Ava."

I just smirk as I walk into the room, Five following close behind me. Both of us stay quiet knowing that Gloria is in the other room at her desk. She is pretty old so we can breathe and move and stuff pretty easily without her noticing. Five searches for the right tube number until he finally finds the one he's looking for.

"I'm afraid that's not procedure." I nearly jump out of my skin hearing Mum's voice. Not only did she scare the living daylights out of me but it doesn't help that I'm literally the jumpiest person ever. Five says that it's because I'm overly paranoid and he's probably right. Mum puts her hand on my shoulder comfortingly, "Sorry for the fright, dear." 

"No, it's okay Mum," I say, a little out of breath from my fright. She reaches over me and plucks the tube out of Five's hand. 

"Five, meet Gloria. Gloria is perhaps the single most vital cog on our machine."

Gloria rushes over to greet us but ends up shyly waving off Mum's comment. "Oh!"

"Gloria, this is Number Five," Mum acquaints as she opens the tube to see Five and I's work. "And I'm sure you remember my daughter Ava."

"Look at you. Deadly little things." She looks like your typical old woman. Well, except for when she talks...she looks more menacing and creepy then. "So happy we decided to close the contract on your life," she aims at Five, chuckling. Yeah, because that's not creepy at all. 

"I'm afraid your reputation proceeds you. And it looks like you're building on it here." She opens up our message that reads "TERMINATE KARL WEBER." along with the field agent info, the sender (us), and the wacky coded date. "Oh. Karl Weber," Mum reads, looking at both me and Five who have plastered smiles on our face. "Now tell me, why unfortunate Karl?"

Five looks over at me saying that I can start but I shake my head, still smiling. "You can go first." I can tell he's excited to brag about the explanation to our reasoning. 

"Karl Weber is the butcher at the shop where Captain Ernest A. Lehmann acquires his weekly roast." Five's voice cracks at the end of the sentence and I have to hold back a laugh. "So, if Carl dies, his butcher shop is passed on to his son Otto, who..." he pulls a funny looking frown, "never washes his hands."

"Which is disgusting," I add. Gloria pulls a disgusted face. 

Mum on the other hand is far too excited to care. "So he's the one who gives the Captain his roast." 

I grin, "And that gives him food poisoning." 

Mum turns to me still eager to hear the full reasoning, "Which makes him late for work. Which delays the takeoff."

"And to make up for lost time," Five says, turning to Gloria who is nodding quickly, "the Hindenburg flies through a weather front of high electrical charge and humidity." Five looks over and smirks at me knowing that was the science that I figured out. His look makes me smile and look down at the floor shyly. Damn, what is this boy doing to me? 

"And the static electricity inside the aircraft makes it a virtual tinderbox." 

I look up again replacing my shy smile with a sly smirk. "Tiny engine sparks," I snap my fingers, "and..."

"And just like that," Five lifts his head, showing off his sharp jawline, and his hand then brings both down, "we have..." He wears a tiny smile as he mimics an explosion. 

Mum laughs fully as Gloria gives off a surprised and delighted "Oh!" 


This is a really short one but I just needed to get something out and assure everyone that I wasn't dead. I'll put something out later tonight or early this morning (well for me at least I know that some of you guys have big time differences). 

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