In case you had the sudden urge to shoot Luther

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After twisting and turning through their may I say enormous house, we make it to what looks like the kitchen. I adjust my lose polka-dotted dress so it doesn't fall off me and roll my shoulder and wince.

"Top shelf on the far left beside the crackers." Five walks over to grab some stuff out of the pantry.

"Thanks," I said walking to the shelf and step up on a conveniently placed box. The rest of the so-called Umbrella Academy walks into the kitchen.

"What'd ya want to drink?"

"My usual." I pop the cap off of the bottle of aspirin and take out three. Replacing the bottle, I turn around and walked over to see the kettle already on the stove. "Cups?"

"Third to the left, bottom cabinets beside Allison." He lays out a cutting board and a knife in front of his siblings, who are now sitting at and on the table, and walks away again.

"What's the date?" I ask taking a cup and saucer out.

"The exact date," Five clarifies.

"The 24th," The powerless girl states.

"Of what?"



I hum and hear the kettle whistle. I take a tea bag, which was also conveniently in a box beside the stove, put it in my cup, and pour my water.

"So are we going to talk about what just happened?"

I roll my eyes at the jolly green giant's obliviousness of what 'just happened'. Five just ignores his much taller brother. "You want one?" I feel everyone's eyes fall on the back of my head.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Peanut butter marshmallow."

I smirk, "What are you on now? Your third trimester?"

He sighs, "Do you want one or not?"

"I'm good." I sip my tea softly, leaning against the oven.

"It's been seventeen years," Luther states.

"Here we go," I mumble to myself already exasperated.

Five scoffs, "It's been a lot longer than that." He teleports to my right on top of the conveniently placed box.

"I haven't missed that," Luther mutters.

"Where'd you go?" I look at Diego, whos just staring blankly at the floor. Such a talker he is.

"The future. It's shit, by the way." He jumps back to his now laid out bread.

"Called it!" I laugh at the druggie.

"I should've listened to the old man." Five goes to the refrigerator and takes out the peanut butter. Why do they have it in there? "You know, jumping through space is one thing, jumping through time is a toss of the dice." He looks up at his brothers and sisters. "Nice dress," he directs at Klaus.

"Oh, well, Danke!" He twirls the ends of the skirt in the air. I laugh at his behaviors once again.

"Wait how did you get back?"

"In the end, I had to project my consciousness forward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time," Five "explains".

"That makes no sense," Diego says still looking down.

"Well, it would if you were smarter." I almost choke on my tea at the unexpected comment. I mean I should have expected it, it is Five.

Diego abruptly stands up but Luther stops him. "How long were you there?" As Luther says this Diego makes sure to give me a hard glare.

"Forty-five years," Five bobs his head lightly and raises his eyebrow, "give or take."

Everyone sits back down.

"So what are you saying? That you're 58?"

Five put his nose in the air, a strange mix of pride and annoyance was evident on his face. "No, my consciousness is 58. Apparently, my body is now 13 again." Five tops off his mad experiment sandwich and picks it up, walking away.

"Wait how does that even work?" Figures. The powerless girl has some of the most questions. My stomach rumbles at me. When's the last time I ate? I question.

"Delores kept saying the equations were wrong. Eh." I snort at this. Delores. He takes a bite of the sandwich (that's not sounding so bad now). "Bet she's laughing now."


"On second thought can I get one of those? I haven't eaten innnnn...what a day and a half now?"

I get a mix of worried and questioning looks from Five's siblings. "Nope should have thought about that when I asked."

"Oh for god's sake Five just make me a sandwich!"


"Fine, I'll just take this then," I say plucking the partly eaten sandwich out of his hand. I then proceeded to walk out of the room with my cup and saucer in one hand and Five's sandwich in the other, holding myself high. I mean I made an exit at the best time, they were going to start talking about family-related things any second.

"Shit. I probably should have waited for Five. This house is huge," I whisper to myself as I walk through the hallway. "Eh. I can probably figure it out." I walk a little and find a large splitting staircase. "Bingo."

Walking up the stairs, I notice a huge painting of Five in what I would assume is the "Lounge" area.

It was probably placed there in Memoriam after he disappeared off the face of the current earth.

At the top of the stairs, I take the left then decide to take a right. As I go down the hall I see bedrooms. What are the chances that I choose the right way the first time?

I walk past and peek in rooms and guess who's is who's. Diego. This one looks abandoned, probably the Ben guy. Vanya's tiny room. Klaus. Five. And these must be Luther and Allison's.

I take note and map the rooms in my head as I look at each. Once I'm satisfied I walk into Five's still very tween like room. It obviously wasn't touched after he disappeared. Most things have a coat of dust and the room is still covered in posters. I laugh. There's even a toy truck.

I sit my stuff down on his desk. By now the stolen sandwich is over half-eaten. It's a weird combination but it's actually good.

I look around the room of my partner. "What should we do first?"

"Maybe we should change." Five walks into his room and stands beside me.

"That was a quick talk."

"Didn't really feel like talking."


Five holds out my rifle to me, "You left this in the kitchen. Probably shouldn't be leaving this around the house."

I take it from him smiling, "Figured I'd leave it in case you had the sudden urge to shoot Luther."

He smirks at my comment, "That was thoughtful of you."

I smirk back at him, "Gotta think ahead."

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