Why did I agree to this over food?

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So thats how we ended up in the rain side by side under an umbrella. Klaus, under his comical pink umbrella, makes the situation almost better for me.

"Did something happen?" Grace, who I heard in the past is a robot, asks.

All the Umbrella Academy kids and I look at her a little strange. Does she not know? Of course, she does, how would she not?

"Dad died. Remember?" Allison asks.

"Oh. Yes, of course," the mother figure responds suddenly looking sad and from what I could tell ashamed.

"Is Mom okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, she's fine. She just needs to rest. You know, recharge," Diego confirms. If I'm honest I never would have guessed she was a robot if Five wouldn't have told me. She's flawlessly built I'll admit that. Sir Reginald did amazing on her.

Pogo walks up slowly, supported by his cane, and looks over at Luther who looks back at him. "Whenever you're ready, dear boy."

The giant takes a big breath and slowly removes the lid of the urn. As he tips it, the remains of the siblings' father pour out and land in a pile on the ground. That was a bit of a fail. In my peripheral I see Klaus, with a cigarette between his fingers, cringe.

Luther looks up a little disappointed, "Probably would have been better with some wind."

"Does anyone wish to speak?" Pogo asks.

My eyes are fixed on the ground. I really shouldn't be here. I really shouldn't be here. I really shouldn't be here. I repeat this in my head over and over again. Everyone else stays silent much like me. It's just for Five. He doesn't really want to be alone with them. So here I am. I'm just a wedge. All I have to do it be present. I don't need to do anything. Just stand here and be quiet.

Pogo sighs, "Very well. In all regards, Sir Reginald Hargreeves made me what I am today. For that alone, I shall forever be in his debt." No, don't get sappy on me. Stop. Stop. Stop. "He was my master...and my friend," Oh god please stop. "And I shall miss him very much." Why did I agree to this over food? "He leaves behind a complicated legacy-"

"He was a monster." Ah shit. I don't even look up when Klaus laughs. "He was a bad person and a worse father. The world is better off without him." God, please get me out of here.

Five notices my fixed stare at the ground and nudges me with his shoulder. I look up and he leans closer to whisper to me, "Do you want to leave?"

I shake my head and whisper back, "I'm fine; I promised I would come so here I am." I could tell that an argument was still going on around us and that Klaus had noticed us talking.

"We can go if this is too much."

"I can tough it through."

"Are you-"

"Do you two want to share with the class or are you going to whisper in each other's ears all day." I look up and see Diego looking at us like we did interrupt the class and he was the teacher.

"I'm sorry did we interrupt your little speech?" Five fires back. He stands up straight again and glares at his knife throwing brother. Now I really feel uncomfortable.

"What's so important that you need to talk about it now?" Diego snaps.

"It's none of your concerns. "

"Well, it's obviously important if you have to whisper about it in the middle of the devil's funeral."

"Diego," Allison warns.

Luther glares at his brother, "You should stop talking now."

"You know, you of all people should be on my side here, Number One," Diego sneers at the giant.

"I'm warning you."

"After everything, he did to you?"

Five interrupts the argument by whispering to me again, "Are you sure you're okay? You don't look 'fine'. You honestly look like you want to kill everyone, then sleep for five days."

"Yeah, I'm good. And if I really wanted to, I could do that at this point."

Five and Klaus look at each other, Klaus hearing my statement and looking slightly worried.

When I do start paying attention to what's going on around me, I see that Diego and Luther are having an alpha argument that is about to turn into a fight.

"That's how much he couldn't stand the sight of you!" Diego says poking Luther's chest. Luther shoves his hand away and swings at his shorter attacker. And here's the fight. Everyone steps back knowing the drill while Pogo yells for the two to stop. Klaus puts his hands in front of Five and I and ushers us back. Five being the 58-year-old man his mind is, smacks his hand away. I laugh at the two. The other two continue to swing at each other, Luther doesn't seem to get many hits in because Diego easily dodges the burly man's swings.

"Stop it!" Vanya tries. It's fallen on deaf ears though because we all know they aren't going to stop until one of them has conquered the other.

"Hit him! Hit him!" Klaus yells with his cigarette between his teeth. As I laugh under my breath I have the urge to cheer the little fight on myself but know it's not my place.

I see Pogo sigh, scoff, and leave, disappointed but not unfamiliar with this kind of action from the brothers. They continue to fight but as they do they get closer and closer to the statue. Oh god. I give Five a little nudge to hint that we need to go.

He obliges by nodding and walking away, "We don't have time for this." As we walk back into the academy we still hear the grunts and antagonizing yells of the fight. And when we are stepping foot in the door I hear the definite clunk of the statue hitting the ground.


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