And you wouldn't?

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This chapter took me so long to get through and the ending'll see. 


As Five pulls me along past his sibling's rooms back at the Hargreeves Mansion, we hear a shudder come from Klaus's, "Oh, boy..." Five stops and looks in his room then down the hall where there are a series of bloody footprints coming from the bathtub. Klaus continues to groan as Five pulls me into Klaus's room, where he knocks with his free hand.

"You okay?" Five asks sympathetically.

"Hey. Yeah, I just...long night."

"Moin, Klaus," I greet, peeking my head around Five.

"Tschuss, meine Lieblings-Noirette-Freundin," he replies in a trying-to-be-happy tone. [Hello, my favorite noirette friend.]

Five chuckles at the little interaction. "More than one, from the looks of it," he comments about the earlier conversation.

"Yeah," Klaus shortly says as he struggles to put his shirt on.

"Don't remember the dog tags." I know where you're going with this, Five.

Klaus looks down and touches them, "Yeah, they belonged to a friend."

"How about that new tattoo?'

"You know, I don't totally remember even getting it," he says gesturing to his head. "Like I said, it was a long night." 

"You did it, didn't you?" Five says with a knowing smile.

"What are you talkin' about?" Klaus says feigning innocence.

Five walks us further into the room, "You know, we can recognize the symptoms, Klaus."

I fake shudder, "I hate the side effects."

"Symptoms of what?" Klaus asks still playing into the innocent act.

"Jet lag," Five begins.

"Full body itch," I continue.

"Headache that feels like someone shoved a box of cotton up up your nose and through your brain."

"I still get that one. It's terrible," I break from Five and go to sit beside Klaus on his bed. "Do you need some of those painkillers downstairs?"

"No, I'm good. Thank you," Klaus replies.

"You gonna tell us about it?" Five butts in.

"Your pals, when they broke into the house and they couldn't find you two, they took me hostage instead." Oh, Klaus.

I put my hand on his back and lightly rub it, "I'm so sorry Klaus."

"And in return, you stole their briefcase," Five says smiling and laughing, looking away. I find myself smiling at Klaus, This may be our best luck since we've come back.

"Yeah," Klaus confirms. "I thought there was money in it, or I could paw it, you know, whatever. And then I opened it." Suddenly, I'm smacked back into reality, Klaus had just been through something traumatic and he had no idea what was happening. Five seemed to look past that and only see his victory.

Five stopped pacing to look at his brother with a victorious smile on his face. "And the next thing you knew, you were...where? Or should I say when?"

"What difference does it make?" Klaus asks silently. I continue to rub his back in small circles to comfort him.

"What diff-eh- Okay, how long were you gone?" Five asks, at first aggressively but quickly corrects himself with a quick glare from me.

"Almost a year," Klaus says in a faraway voice. Wait.

"A year?" Five asks unbelieving. He walks towards Klaus and me, "Do you know what this means?" If Klaus came back with the briefcase...

"Yeah," Klaus says with a lofty chuckle, "I'm ten months older now." Where is it now?

"No, this isn't any sort of joke, Klaus. Hazle and Cha-cha will do whatever they can to get the briefcase," Five explains to his brother. "Where is it now?" hand drops from Klaus's back.

"Gone. I destroyed it. Poof." Klaus says dully, making an explosion hand motion. Shit.

Five's face contorts from excitement to fury in less than a second. "What the hell were you thinking?"

"Five!" I hiss.

"What do you care?" Klaus asks, annoyed.

"What do I care? I needed it, you moron, so we could-we could get back. We could start over."

I furrow my eyebrows, "Hold on, I didn't know this was part of the plan."

"Just...Just..." Klaus gets up and starts to walk out of the door.

"Where're you going?"

"Interrogation's over, just...leave," Klaus calls to Five as he walks out. 

"So you just weren't going to tell me about us resetting the game?" I ask, with my arms crossed looking expectantly at Five. 

However, his eyes are fixed at the desk before he quickly goes over and grabs a sheet of loose paper and a pen. He starts muttering to himself as he writes on the page on his knee, completely ignoring me. He looks up at the empty doorway where Klaus disappeared, sighs, and then goes back to writing. 

"So, you're just going to ignore me now?" I ask. Silence. "Great. I'll go see if Klaus needs me then." I get up to walk out of the door but, as I'm about to walk out of the door, a hand wraps around my wrist, spins me around, and pulls me into a hug. 

"No," Five says holding me to his chest.

"So the only thing you're gonna say to me is 'no'?" I ask raising my head to look at him.

He looks down at me so our faces are only inches apart. Damn, that's close. If I just moved my head a little higher- "You stay with me at all times whether you like it or not, okay? I don't trust those idiots with you."

"Are you saying that I can't protect myself, Mr. Hargreeves?"

He chuckles, "Oh, I know you can take care of yourself. I just know that if it was a life or death situation, they would choose their own life over yours."

"And you wouldn't?" I ask looking straight into his deep green eyes.

He smiles lightly as he looks back into my baby blue ones, "No chance in hell."


That was so cheesy but lowkey cute not gonna lie

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