Why the hell am I thirteen again?!

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Ava's POV:

Five and I stand in front of a gate, ready to "snipe the president" with the soft chatter of the radio in the background. Well, at least that's what the Commission thinks we are about to do. In reality, we are about to escape their hold on us and try to save the world from the impending (at least to the time we are about to go to) apocalypse.

"Five hurry the fuck up!"

The slightly older, grey-haired man flips through his sister's book where he's written down equations for our escape.

"I'm trying! If you hurry me much more I'm going to take that gun and shoot you instead."

"Try me, old man!"

"I'm only two months older than you!"

"Still makes you older!"

"Shut up!"

"Make me!"

Five grumbles and turns back to his book. I sigh looking through the scope of the sniper rifle looking out for the president's car.

"I got it, let's go!" Five calls out to me.

I turn around with the weapon and step beside him. He strains, making our "portal" thing. I like calling it a gateway. It sounds much cooler to me. More time travel-y.

"You first. I need to hold it open."

I nod and walk towards the gateway pushing against it. God this is like being born or something. Once I get through the barrier, I fall on the ground. Hard. What the fuck we are like fifteen feet in the air! I groan as I try to get up. Five has different plans as he lands on top of me. Pain shoots through my shoulder at the added weight. I groan in pain yet again.

"Get off of me you time-traveling bastard!"

"Oh shut up!"

"Make. Me."

"I'll just stay here then."

"Does anyone else...see little number Five and a little girlie, or is that just me?" A man's voice says.

I try to turn around to shove him off of me but I'm not met with the face of the familiar white-haired man. Instead, I'm faced with a young dark-haired boy who might I say is not bad looking at all.

"What the fuck?!"

The younger Five looks at me with wide eyes and gets off of me. He quickly stands up and looks at himself.


"Five you son of a bitch why the hell am I thirteen again?!" I stand up, holding my shoulder, and notice my dress is too big. Well, no shit it's too big i'M THIRTEEN AGAIN!!

"Maybe it was because you were rushing me!" he snaps.

"No, you got the god damn equation wrong! Didn't you say that the dummy told you they were wrong?" I pick up my rifle and hold it beside me, glaring at my partner.

"Don't you talk about her like that! I will personally slit your throat and watch you bleed out with a smile on my face."

"I'd like to see you try," I challenge.

He takes a step towards me, "Oh you little-" I whip my gun up and aim it at him.

"Children! Children! Calm yourselves!" This came from the same voice as before. I turn to match a face to the voice and see a group of five adults. Well, technically I'm an adult too but not physically now that my dumbass partner messed us up physically.

"Five! Mind telling us who your little friend is?" When he speaks again I match the voice to the junkie looking guy with a skirt on. I would bet good money that this one is Klaus.

"She is not my friend," the short assassin glares at his brother. I lower my gun from its target only slightly hurt at the words that come out of his mouth. Not your friend my ass. I'm the only one who has been here for that sick bastard-

"Can we be serious for a minute?" A really tall buff guy asks. I put my hard mask back on. Hmm, that must be Luther.

"What is she then your girlfriend?"

"Most definitely not."

I stand behind Five watching the whole thing sniggering to myself. "You guys know I'm right here correct?"

"This is Ava. Ava this is my family," Five deadpans.

I get hellos but no introductions. Classy.

"Just come inside so we can sort this out." This is said by a tall pretty woman who I assume is Allison. I come to the conclusion that the short meek-looking woman is Vanya and the edgy somewhat emo phase looking guy is Diego.

"Oh yes please, I would love something to drink if you don't mind," I say. God, I hope I can get some new clothes and a pain killer too.

"Yeah, of course, I'll try to find some clothes that might fit you. Come on." Allison waves for me to follow her inside. Like she read my mind.

"As much as I would love something to change into, we probably need to get everyone on somewhat of the same page first."

"I agree with her," Diego finally speaks. Wow, he speaks!

Five grumbles some more and stomps in after me. He walks beside me as we walk, me not knowing the destination as I rub my sore shoulder. His face in its not unusual half scowl half thinking face.

"Oh ease up Mr. Grumpy we got here didn't we? Don't be such a sour puss."

"Is your shoulder good?" He ignores my playful remarks.

"Fine, might just need some painkillers for this and the annoying headache. But I'll be okay. I always have been in the past. It's the small but mighty power."

He turns his head to me and the corners of his mouth turned upwards slightly.

I gasp jokingly, "Are you-are you...smiling??"

He faces forward but still has his mouth curled into a small smile. "I have no clue what you're talking about. You must be hallucinating from the time travel."

"You know that's not a side effect."

"Hmm, maybe you are a special case." He smirks now.


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