Chapter 7: Interruption

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I don't care about anything. I can give a shit less about anyone. I have been this way since I can remember. My father passed before I was born and my mother and I have a decent relationship. From my father I got the deepest brown eyes I'd ever seen, I would think they were actually black demon eyes if I didn't know any better. My hair was shoulder-length, the color of mud I also inherited from my dear old dad and I kept it tied up in a bun most of the time. The strong jawline, my nose, and face shape I would probably guess is my mother's contribution. My mother nicknamed me Demon Spawn and gods, did I use to hate that name. Growing up it was like my destiny to be evil with a nickname like that. Now I just accept it. I don't care about what they call me or what they think about me. What they say doesn't matter.

The only ones I really needed were my friends; Blaze, Alexavier, Casden, and Beau. Apparently, our group has a stupid name thats been circulating, the Hellhounds. Gods, morons. We often have fun stealing things or messing with people in any way we can. My powers are super strength and time freezing, but just like my mom I have sticky fingers. This realm is abysmal and so are the people who resided in it. They deserved the torture and I needed something to keep me entertained. It was ridiculous how everyone lived a mediocre life and the royals ran us all like little puppets. Fuck the entire heiarchy. I am my own king.

To escape the castle I head to the village. All of my friends are occupied, probably with last night's conquests, so I head to a diner I frequent alone. I order my usual helping of eggs, meat, and toast. Underneath all of the chaos, I am a fairly simple man who just wanted to be left the fuck alone. I exhale loudly when I see her. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot the one woman who can't seem to leave me alone lately strolling the village. I could already feel the anger bubbling within me. Leave it to me to find myself mixed up with one of the people I despised the most. A prince. Not just any princess, but the princess of the king my mother is in love with. Maybe this is just another shitty quality passed down to me.

She spots me and starts to head over to my table. I quickly shove some eggs and meat into my mouth. "Let's get this over with." I greet her with little emotion.

"I see they gave you a longer leash today, enjoying the fresh air, Demon Spawn?" She sits down across from me.

"Wall of shame, Princess?" I retort and then take a large bite into my toast.

"Down dog," she narrows her eyes.

"Who was it this time? Someone from my group? Or maybe it was one from your brothers this time." I curl my lip in disgust.

"What? Are you jealous or something?" She crosses her arms and leans back in her seat.

I raise an eyebrow and hold back the laughter I was to express. "From you." I scoff. "Please." I continue to eat my eggs, finishing them.

She shrugs and grabs a piece of toast from my plate taking a bite.

"Aren't you supposed to have manners?" I shake my head disapprovingly.

"Aren't you supposed to be eating from a dog bowl on the ground?"

"Don't you have any other insults that aren't dog related? After all, you're the one who's called a bitch." My voice is completely monotone as I give her my best face conveying boredom.

"Sure I do, Demon Spawn," she takes another bite of my toast. "People can say whatever they want about me, it doesn't offend me."

"I'm sure." I agree sarcastically and roll my eyes. "Why are you here? If it's not the walk of shame then are you just stalking me?"

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