Chapter 42: Sobered Up

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I've been in bed for three weeks. The first week was the worst; vomiting, shaking, cold-sweats, burning up, sweating, more vomiting. The second week consisted of the same but without the intensity and the third week came the worst week. The calm has left and in its wake, it left me feeling horribly depressed and hopeless just as I was that first month after Draven and I called it quits.

I was craving a calming tonic, anything to get rid of this despair in the pit of my stomach. I wanted to stay curled up in my bed. I even wanted things to end because my withdrawals left me in agony. When I was able to crawl out of bed, my knees shook but I made it to my drawer where I grabbed the black knit sweater that Draven let me have. It still smelled like him. I've been wearing it for a few days now, the scent seems to bring me a certain calm. One inhale brings me bliss, the memories filling me with something other than despair and then I remember that he's not mine anymore and I get sad again.

My head is pounding when Celeste and Seraphina enter my chambers. They have been checking on me frequently and helping me through the bad stuff. I sit up and look at them, I feel dead. My energy is low. I feel like I needed someone to pull me out of bed and tell me to get my shit together. If anyone could do it, it'd be those two. I've been making myself sick over thoughts of Wynnie withering below Draven. My fists clench just thinking about it again.

"I want to get out of bed," I groan. "I'm tired of looking at this room." I hold my throbbing head in my hand. "I want to not be depressed anymore and I want to be fucked until I forget."

"Dela," Sera says in a warning tone. "We talked about this. Healthy coping methods. Next thing we know you'll be a sex addict."

"Maybe what you need is fresh air. We can take a walk?" Celeste suggests.

"Yeah," I swing my legs over the bed and they help me up.

"Dela," Sera pulls at the oversized sweater on my body. "What are you wearing?"

Celeste grabs it and sniffs it, she gives me a pointed look knowing exactly whose it is. "We should burn it."

"You will do no such thing!" I snap.

"I won't, Sera will." Celeste grins over at Sera.

"Sera, I'll break your arms if you try and take this sweater from me and then I'll heal you...and then break your arms again," I snarl.

Sera holds her hands up. "If this is Draven's sweater you need to take it off."

"It's a comfortable sweater!" I protest and take one deep inhale on the sleeve.

"I agree with Sera. This isn't helping you heal any." Celeste crosses her arms over her chest.

I take the sweater off and stare down at it. I press the material to my face and get one last moment of bliss. One last moment where I can pretend he is with me, holding me. I love the minty smell of him and my heart aches at the thought of never smelling it again.

"You have to let go," Sera whispers.

Sera is right. I take the sweater and I throw it into the fireplace in my room. I rub my chest feeling the sting there.

"No mint plants either." Celeste narrows her eyes at me.

I exhale loudly. "Can we at least finally go out. I'm feeling better, the withdrawal symptoms have passed. Can we please go to the club?"

"I feel like the healers should give us clearance." Celeste looks nervously at Sera.

I groan once more as Celeste and Sera escort me out of my room and outside of the castle to get some fresh air. We head to the back gardens to take a stroll, taking a walk through the rose maze. It's always been my favorite.

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