Chapter 14: Daddy's Favorite

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I wake up with Demon Spawn's naked body pressed against mine. I'm still cuddling his hand, the position we fell asleep in. There's something about his hand that mesmerizes me. It makes me feel multiple things at once. It makes me feel breathless especially. His hand is twice the size of mine and carries his father's power—the power of super-strength. Every time he grabs my throat I fall obedient to him. Utterly powerless and Sera was right, maybe I'm a masochist.

The adrenaline I feel when we fight is unlike any other. When he puts his hands on me roughly, I feel a thrill shoot down my spine. I grab his hand and kiss his palm. I love his hand. I look over my shoulder at him and kiss him softly before hating him again. I crawl out of bed and grab my dress. I have to make it back to the castle before Ries and Sera see I'm not in my chambers and that I never made it home last night. The last thing I need is a search party.

In Demon Spawn's bathroom my neck is once again bruised accompanied by love bites and bite marks. I look over the time and silently thank the gods that most of the village is still asleep. Demon Spawn is still asleep as I sneak out.

It doesn't take me long to get to the castle and I'm relieved that no one important caught me. In my chambers I take a shower and get dressed for the day. I apply makeup on my neck to cover the bruising. When I'm finished with that Riesner and Seraphina are right on time.

"What do you two want?" I cross my arms. "Here to see if Demon Spawn is in my bed?"

"We are just coming to get you for breakfast." Sera says innocently.

"But yes, we are here to check on you too. Well, mostly me." Ries admits.

"There is no naked man in my bed and lets go," I link arms with Seraphina. "I hear they're making my favorite."

The three of us head down to breakfast and I'm wary of what they have planned and whether they're going to talk to Dad about Demon Spawn. Just because I hate him doesn't mean I want my father to kill him or banish him from the kingdom. Like I said before, if anyone is going to kill Demon Spawn it's going to be me, and I'm having way too much fun with him right now.

I see my father sitting at the head of the table and I give him a kiss on the cheek. "Morning, Daddy," I get on his good side just in case.

Riesner and Sera take their seats and glare at one another and then at me.

"Dad, I have something to say." Riesner says puffing out his chest.

I shake my head at him. "Don't even."

"What is it about?" Dad asks.

"Its about Draven." Riesner says, staring directly at me. "He needs to be kicked out of the castle. He can't live here anymore."

"Why not?" Dad looks up from eating and looking back and forth between Riesner and I. "Or maybe I should be asking Dela why."

I shrug. "I have no idea. I have no problem," I take a bite of my breakfast.

"I told you, Raidyn. He is trouble," my mother frets. "Has he hurt someone, Ries?"

"He's been hurting Dela and she's too brainwashed to admit it." Riesner clenches his jaw.

"Hurting me?" I laugh. "I'm perfectly fine and perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Do I look hurt?" I look over to my father.

"Check her neck." Riesner spits.

My father looks at my mother, "Get her to wash off whatever that stuff is on her neck and you can look at it. I don't know if I want to see."

I stand up and back away from my mother. "There's nothing on my neck!"

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