Chapter 19: Facade

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To become part of the king's personal guard there is a level of training which you must go through. The duration is an entire month of your life and in that time you may have no contact with the outside realm. My time for the past month went like this:

Day One: Introduction is given by past personal guard members or a general, it is then followed by a lengthy fitness assessment, and starter sword and archery lessons.

Days Two to Four : Archery, sword, and physical training lessons are given and the night is spent in a field that simulates a warzone.

Days Five to Seven: Nights all spent out in the field. Live target marksmanship training, battlefield casualty drills, map reading, and more physical training.

Day Eight: Live fire marksmanship training, at a far range. Swimming, obstacle course, marches, and map reading lessons.

Days Nine to Thirteen: Live fire marksmanship training, at an ever further range. Six mile march in full gear, battlefield casualty drill, swimming, signals training, and adventure training (boat, climbing, hillwalking).

Day Fourteen: Strength training.

Days Fifteen to Eighteen: Urban combat skills training. Obstacle course, battlefield casualty drills, sword fighting, tactical exercise, and a seven mile march in full gear.

Days Nineteen to Twenty: Tactical exercise, a seven mile march in full gear, obstacle course and circuit training. Live firing exercises: close quarters marksmanship and night-time firing all for archery and throwing knives.

Days Twenty-One to Twenty-Four: Eight mile march in full gear, five-mile run. Training with using your powers in battle.

Days Twenty-Five to Thirty: Tactical training in the field using powers and weapons.

Day Thirty-One: Marksmanship and marching completion certificates. We are assigned our quarters in the castle to live.

Since I was kept busy nonstop for the entire month it flew by. The only time I wasn't being screamed at was when I was in a bunker at night or in the field. That was the only time I could think about my mom, my friends, or Dela. I could feel myself being molded into somebody else and I felt like the real Draven was being kept in the shell of this man I put forth now. I never knew how much work and training went into this line of employment or cared to know since I was blinded by my hatred for the crown, but a part of me felt like I was meant to do this. At least it was what I forced myself to believe so that I wasn't holding on to anger at the only person who could be my escape; King Raidyn. I gained respect for the guards and generals after being put through the rigorous exercises and it made me gain respect for the father I had never met. I found it difficult to remain positive because this experience was still a punishment and not something I was able to choose for myself. I was overflowing with self-hatred for being so miserable before being put through this totrue and discipline. King Raidyn ripped away my freedom to get me away from his daughter and it worked for the past month at least. Today would be my first day on the job, so undoubtedly I'll see her from a distance and be able to say next to nothing. Until I find a way out of this my every thought will be crushing with a piece of my soul that once was free. I only had one option; I had to get on King Raidyn's good side.

I wake up bright and early at five in the morning to take my first breakfast shift following the king around. Groggily I groan as my feet hit the floor and I dress from head to toe in a guard uniform given to me by the castle staff. Even the uniform had rules that went along with it: there was to never be any stains and it must always be freshly pressed for wear so that there weren't any wrinkles. I unplugged the hot iron and went straight for the King's chambers. I relieved the man in front of me from his night duty and filled the spot by the door. I tried not to think about anything I normally would consider. I was completely trapped this time in the castle.

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