Chapter 25: Good Dog

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Nine months have passed since Draven left for the royal army and Dela has finally returned back to normal, thank gods. It was nice to finally have her back to give a snarky comment here and there that didn't really have meaning behind it. Out of all my sisters, the only one I wasn't as worried about getting into trouble is Wynnie.

The past nine months have been great, the only thing I've been bothered by began two or three months ago. I didn't notice it at first, but when I noticed it I couldn't stop noticing it. I trust Sera and I trust Hollis- I do. It's just that over the past two-ish months they've been growing closer and closer. They'll have whispered conversations that stop when I enter the room and they've been hanging out more frequently than they ever have. At first, I convinced myself I was being jealous and this was all in my head, but lately, they are almost closer than I am with either of them. I can't shake the feeling that something is going on behind my back. All I have left is to think the worst.

"Son, are you feeling alright?" My dad asks as he lowers his sword.

I shake my head and lower my own sword, "Yeah, I'm fine. I've just been thinking about some stuff."

"Like what? Anything your old man can help you with?"

I sigh and stare into his electric eyes. I debate on whether or not to share my problems with my dad- should I tell him about Hollis and Sera or should I just hope for the best? On one hand, it could be nothing and I'm overreacting, but if they are fooling around behind my back...I honestly don't know what I would do.

After a moment of weighing my options I respond, "How do you handle mom with other men, like when you were courting?" I scratch the back of my neck.

"Well, I wasn't always the greatest with handling it, but I got much better over the years. It's really about trusting your partner and believing in the promise they make to you. I'm guessing you're jealous of someone and Sera, but we both know Sera loves you. She moved her whole life here to be with you." Dad gives his pleasant and paternal smile he saves just for my siblings and I. It's a smile that is small and means well, it always appears after he gives one of us advice.

"You're right. I just have to shake it off." Until I actually see otherwise, I have to carry on as usual and believe that she does love me. "Thanks, dad."

I finish up the last round of sparring with my father. Since I have been acting off lately because of my sneaking suspicious thoughts so I decided to head to Sera's room. She deserves an apology. The guards in the hall give me anxious looks, their faces scrunch as I walk by. The thoughts pop into my head once again, but I try to think of anything else. I'm so lost in thought I forget to knock. I just open the door and walk-in.

I find Sera and Hollis on the couch close together, both of their heads turn when they see me appear in the doorway. Their eyes grow wide and Sera's hand flies off of Hollis's knee.

"What is this?!" I yell as my fists curl at my sides. "What am I walking in on? Huh? Some little love fest?!" The tension and pressure tightening my every muscle.

"Ries!" Sera stands. "It's not what you think, don't be so dramatic."

"Not what I think?! You two are sitting here close! Your hand is on his knee! For months now I haven't been able to join in on your little secret conversations!!!!" I know my face is redder than Hollis's hair right now.

"Yeah but it means nothing! Hollis is..." she looks over to my brother and sighs. "Riesner, whatever you think is going on between me and Hollis is not happening. We're friends, I'm courting you for the gods sake!"

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