Chapter 20: Closet Courting

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I couldn't believe it worked. Of course I feel horrible about lying to my father and fabricating this pretend courting, but now I could see Draven. All this time without him my life has been bland, boring, and even lonesome. I missed the fighting and craved his touch; especially on my throat.

At least now when Draven is around I can give him a kiss, my father groans, but it's a step in the right direction. It's only been a few days and already Draven and I have snuck into each other's room making out to have hot and heavy sessions.

Today I'm meeting with my girl group for the first time in over a week. We all sit in the lounge and I notice Sera's eyes are plastered on me. I give her a strange look.

"You're courting Draven," she says aloud. The rest of the girls gasp in response.

"Yes," I look down at my fingernails feeling bored. I didn't need Sera on my case about this, she doesn't understand. She hasn't even had sex with my brother yet. She'll never understand the connection between Draven and I. She'll never understand the pleasure that comes with the pain. She only sees him as a monster—can't say I blame her though, he is a beast.

"So you banned us all to keep him for yourself." Katsa glares at me. "I thought he abused you."

"You would have never been able to satisfy him like I can, Katsa Darling," I guffaw, rolling my eyes.

"He's not a nice man, Dela." Sera says unable to pull her eyes away from me.

"No, but now he is mine and that is my problem," I shrug. "I'm also really good at discipline."

"He's a guard now at least." Wynnie smiles speaking up.

"I have my father's blessing. Take it up with him if any of you have a problem," I shrug and look over at Sera.

"I have a problem with you, Dela. You've changed." Seraphina shakes her head.

"So have you," I frown. "You tattle on me to my father and work against me with my brother? I thought you were my best friend."

"I am your best friend and I only did what I did because I was worried about you. Your emotions have been and still are all over the place!"

"Maybe I'm pregnant," I snort. "Want to tattle about that too?"

The entire group is so silent you can hear a pin drop. 

"Are you really?" Katsa is the first to speak up.

I furrow my eyebrows and look at everyone; all of them are so serious. "Is that why you think I'm courting Demon Spawn?" I tilt my head.

"Why else would you? You always talk about how horrible he is and your family hates him. Did he take advantage of you?" Charlett asks with her voice full of concern.

"I'm not pregnant and he never took advantage of me," my voice raises.

"Whatever, Dela. I think we're done with this mess of yours." Katsa scoffs.

"Good," I cross my arms. "I'm glad to stop talking about it. Who wants to go next?" I look around.

No one speaks up and they all sit there awkwardly. I find most of them staring directly at me or trying to avoid me.

"You guys can't be serious," I frown. "You're all mad because I'm courting Demon Spawn?"

"Not mad. Just confused." Linett shakes her head.

"What's there to be confused about? I like how I feel when I'm with him," I shrug. "He's an asshole sure, but I can be just as mean. I can handle myself."

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