Chapter 43: Two to Go

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"Are you fucking kidding me, Celeste?" I use her full first name, rarely ever. So this time she will know I'm upset. I drop her wrist from my grip.

"Dravey? What's wrong with you? Can't you see that Dela is the one who needs me more tonight."

I shake my head. "No. You're coming to my room when we get back to the castle. She has Seraphina." Like a jealous

"Draven." Celeste sighs.

I meet her eyes. "I need you," I stress.

She glances away to stare over at Dela and Sera then back at me. "I'll be there." She says resignedly and walks back over to the girls.

I walk behind the three down the remaining street. We stop once so Dela can throw up.

"I need to go to the healers," I hear her say to Seraphina.

"No, Dela, you're alright," Seraphina whispers.

"You are fine. He is nothing to you anymore, remember?" Celeste rubs her back as she yaks again. The words would sting if they weren't the truth.

"He means nothing to me," she drones. "He's nothing and if you think I'm upset because of him you're sorely mistaken. I want a tonic."

"But you only want a tonic because you're worked up. Don't let him do that to you." Celeste replies.

"He doesn't have any power over me anymore," Dela raises her chin. She finally seems like the girl I remember at that moment.

"Let's go." Sera ushers the two and they continue to walk in front of me.

"I know this isn't a good time to bring it up, but I'm going to be going with Draven when we get back to the castle. Please don't be mad at me." Celeste pleads.

Dela chuckles and I see her gravitate away from Celeste and toward Seraphina. She doesn't even look in Celeste's direction or comment back.

"Dela!" Celeste follows her over to be next to her again. "It's not personal."

Dela continues to walk without saying a word. Seraphina gives Celeste a sympathetic look.

"That's a dick move to treat your friends as enemies because I get along with them." I bark out to Dela unable to hold myself back. I more than get along with Celeste.

Dela doesn't turn around or even flinch at my words and yet she still says nothing.

"Dela?" Seraphina attempts but is unsuccessful.

"Good," I say under my breath. Finally some damn peace and quiet.

Celeste shoots me a look back here and there as our walk continues to check in on me. Every time I give her an appreciative nod. She's been too good to me since Dela and I have split.

"I'm glad you were able to calm down on your own. That's progress." Celeste gives Dela a smile and speaks as though she's proud of her.

From the little that I've put together, Dela has been having issues with tonics. To what extent I don't know, but I suppose it's none of my business so I keep my mouth shut.

Dela doesn't give a single glance over to Celeste, she continues to look ahead and even speeds up her walking pace a bit.

"You know, I'm starting to feel like you're avoiding me," Celeste says catching up to Dela. "It's fine if you are, but when you're able to tell me why you should."

Dela stops and slowly turns her head to Celeste. Her face an angry calm, "Tell you, why?"

I feel like a storm is brewing from the look of it. A bad feeling fills my chest. I want to step in and protect Celeste, but I wouldn't dare be that close to Dela. It drives me insane.

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