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Her heart thundered like a drum in her chest, and there was only a deafening silence that roared through her ears. Nothing else.

Gentle hands shook her shoulders, and Aelin lurched, gasping for breath. Lady Marion scooped Aelin up into her arms, the soft fabric of her gown rubbing against her frail arms, and carried her to the laundress' room. She didn't realise she was crying till Lady Marion brought her thumb up to wipe away the tears. But Aelin cried and cried, and fell to her knees, sobs racking her body, fingers trembling.

Lady Marion's own were shaking as she reached for the water bucket. A small splash, and then a rough sponge was dabbed over Aelin's face, her body, her hands, her feet.


A quivering finger was put to her lips. 'You stay with me now. We wait. Help will come tomorrow,' Lady Marion whispered.

Aelin sobbed.


Help didn't come.

Silence filled the hallways as Aelin stumbled down the empty corridors. The whole morning had gone by, with no word from Terrasen or Wendlyn or Doranelle. Night was approaching. They weren't going to come. Aelin stuffed a fist into her mouth and screamed. She staggered into the wall, and sank down. No one was going to come.


When she finally arose, Aelin barely made it two steps before a hand grabbed her.

Aelin whirled, eyes wide. Her chest rose and fell in uneven breaths. Lady Marion. But-

'You run. And don't stop until you've crossed the bridge. There's a barn where you can shelter. Wait for help there, and do not risk anything. Promise me.'

Aelin shook her head, heart racing. 'I don't understand.'

Lady Marion just shook her head, and kissed her on the forehead. 'Be brave.' She pressed a small round object into Aelin's palm. The Amulet of Orynth shone dimly in the moonlight. 'Keep this. And... when you find her, tell my Elide I love her very much.' Aelin nodded, frantically trying to gather her jumbled thoughts. Aelin gave her once last glance, full of sorrow and grief. Then she ran.

Aelin gasped for breath as she pelted through the empty corridor, her footsteps as loud as the thunderclaps ringing outside. Aelin skidded to the back door, ramming her elbow into the wood. Behind her, she could start to hear shouts. And a scream. Ohgodsohgodsohgods... Aelin's breathing hitched, and she stumbled as she ran for the river. Nononononono. Aelin sobbed, tears blurring her vision.

Thundering horse hooves beat the frozen ground, faster and faster as the rider whipped the horse. Snow and mud lay thick on the earth, and rogue snowflakes drifted through the night sky. Aelin ran - swifter than her young legs could manage. Everything hurt. Trees ripped at her dress and her hair; stones sliced her feet. She scrambled through the woods, breathing so hard she couldn't muster the air to cry for help. Behind her, a sword shrieked as it was drawn from its sheath.

Through her hazy gaze, Aelin could make out the rope bridge swinging in the breeze. The river ran, gushing and splashing underneath. She reached out a hand, and slammed it onto the rail of the bridge. Aelin risked a peek over her shoulder. A black silhouette raced between the trees, nearing her with every gallop. Aelin's eyes widened, and she scrambled across the bridge. The other side became closer with every frantic step. Three metres. Two metres. She looked back. The figure had stopped. It stood at the foot of the bridge. Then it drew out something. It glinted dully in the moonlight. Aelin gasped, and her blood pounded through her ears. Her pace slowed. No. She tried to push her legs, but they were still sluggish. Aelin screamed.

And was still screaming when the bridge fell, as she plummeted down into the churning waters below.


hello again, fellow readers!! some of you may and some of you may not know that I don't exactly post A/N essays at the end of chapters, but I do occasionally post random things...

aelin's actual story (like, the night of her 'drowning' in the florine river) is found in heir of fire, pg457 - pg465. The above is a wayyyy more simplified version, but, still, hope you liked it!

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