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Celaena knocked on the door, steeling her nerves. Sam had left her upon entrance to the Keep. There was no way this encounter with Arobynn was going to be well. There was no noise from the other side of the door, so Celaena looked the the impassive bodyguard and debated asking him. But then his voice called, 'Come in.'

There was no use in wielding weapons with Arobynn. So she walked straight in. Arobynn had already stood up, and with slow, lethal steps, he prowled to stand in front of her. Celaena didn't allow a single trace of emotion to flash across her face, and bit the inside of her cheek to stop trembling.

Blood filled her mouth.

Arobynn stopped. Tilted her chin up to gaze at her with those silver eyes, just like the first time he had ever done it. 'Disobedience is not tolerated.' That smooth, lilac voice, laced with venom. She really wished he'd shout instead. Celaena focused her eyes on nothing.

Arobynn gripped her face tighter. 'Look at me.' Celaena did. His silver eyes glittered like steel. Her own shone with defiance. 'How many people.'

Celaena's heart thundered in her throat as she replied, 'Six.' She'd fought six people.

It was so fast she didn't even see it coming.

One blow, and she reeled backwards, clutching her cheek. A second, to her jaw. Three more battered her face, one for each opponent. Arobynn struck hard and fast, the blows to inflict as much pain as possible, but not hard enough to knock her unconscious. Arobynn wanted her to witness the pain fully.

Celaena did not allow herself to wince, did not allow herself to show the slightest of pain. Only a burning rage was building up, slowly, fury amassing in her core. Then the sixth strike came, and Celaena whipped up her arm. The impact was jarring, and her forearm screamed. Arobynn paused, fist poised above Celaena's.

Celaena backed away, slowly, lips pulled back from her teeth in a snarl. Arobynn let her. She knew that, if he wanted to, the dagger hidden up his sleeve would flick out, and she'd be dead. She continued her retreat, shifting into a crouch - ready to pounce if necessary.

Then he spoke. His voice was a lazy drawl, taunting and cruel. 'That's enough fleeing for you.' The barb struck deep. She froze. Punish her, beat her, he had. But the verbal jab...

Her answer was a dagger that thudded into the wall behind him. The reverberations were still echoing as Celaena turned, slamming the door behind her.


She buried her face in her arms, legs curled up. The chimney was a solid weight supporting her back. Funny how bricks gave her more support than people did.

Arobynn - Arobynn was a bastard. A bastard who played the cards too well. Tears slid down her cheeks as she sat there, withdrawn from the world.

Arobynn knew. He knew that she had ran; first for her life, and then for her freedom. Knew what any mention of that did to her. Celaena was only a skin to hide the truth. But it wasn't enough. The small taunts he threw at her broke her, bit by bit. Reminded her of her past - the past she'd so desperately tried to forget. And when Celaena fought back, he'd throw another jibe - and its effect would be exactly as planned. Celaena often had difficulty mastering emotions, rage and heartache being the hardest.

'You are not no one,' he'd said, a whole lifetime ago. It was a lie. She was no one, and alone in this depressing-as-shit world.

And yet, though despair threatened to drag her down, there was a voice. Gentle and soothing. A voice in which she hadn't heard for years.

Why do you cry, Fireheart?

Because I am afraid, and do not know the way.

Evalin and Aelin returned. It was often Celaena would catch glimpses of them. But Aelin was the spark that drove her to keep going. That, even though she may have fled from her land; her people, she had not left Celaena. Celaena would be lost without her.

So she arose, and dried her tears. She would let Arobynn beat and mock her.

And stand her ground.

She would not be afraid. She would not let Arobynn break her.

The monster rumbled its approval.


oop and das 30 chapters edited

j hope you enjoying so far > <

just a quick guide to the festivals below

beltane: coming of spring

summer solstice: midsummer's eve and midsummer's day

all hallows' eve: halloween

samhuinn: coming of winter (superstitious beliefs that it's the day that the Gods and the Dead are closest to earth. bonfires are lit to summon the dead, and the ashes produced act as an offering to the Gods to keep them safe.)

yulemas: christmas

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