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'Down there!' he cried.

Shit. Peering down, Celaena could just about make out running figures.

No time.

So she let go of the wall.

Free fall sang for two sickening seconds - and then the ground rushed to meet her.

Something gave in her foot as she collided with the floor. Biting down on a groan, Celaena pushed herself up.

Her ankle throbbed; but there was no time to inspect the damage.

The rapid footfalls grew closer. And as the pursuers skidded round the corner, she could make out the emblems on their uniforms - uniforms, because they were-

Royal Guards.


Goddammit. Celaena ran, ignoring her screaming ankle. She couldn't head for the Keep - that would lead them right there.

So she veered right at the end of the street, heading for the slums of Rifthold.

She didn't manage to lose them - and didn't want to risk climbing a wall - so she tried to weave through the houses, trying to mislead them. And she couldn't go to the Vaults, either.

An alleyway, then. Celaena prayed they didn't have crossbows with them as she whirled round.

Five men appeared. They were all armed - but only one carried a crossbow. He could fire it quicker than it would take her to hurl a dagger. Slowly backing into the wall, Celaena held up her hands. 'Easy, boys,' she purred, the mask contorting her voice into a masculine growl.

He pulled the trigger.

The shaft spiralled towards her, and Celaena ducked, rolling to the side, her ankle barking in protest. She threw a knife within the heartbeat the shaft thudded off the wall - precisely where her head had been a few moments ago. Yet her own shot spiralled true, embedding itself in between his brows.

Four experienced, well-armed men against a girl with an injured ankle - that was hardly fair, was it?

But what were a few guards against Adarlan's Assassin?

Celaena allowed a smile to spread across her face before she lunged, swords drawn.


Celaena entered the Keep through the servant door - she had a feeling Arobynn wouldn't like her dripping blood all over his grand hallway. She peeled off the mask, then her cloak.

But her ankle. It was screeching at her with every step she took. Finally allowing herself to wince, Celaena hobbled upstairs. She needed a bath. Desperately.

But she didn't even make it to the door before two arms grabbed her, wrapping her into a tight embrace.

'Where in all Erilea have you been? We expected you back two hours ago!' Ben snarled softly into her ear.

She was too tired to even point out that only Ben probably worried.

'Royal Guards,' she bit out. 'Ben - ankle.'

He looked down. 'That's very swollen.'

'You. Idiot. Just. Help,' she groaned in exasperation.

He sat her on the bed, and tugged off her boot as gently as possible. Peeling away her sock, he disappeared from the room with a small cloth in hand.

He returned, the cloth dripping wet, and set it on her foot. Celaena nearly sighed in relief at the icy sensation as numbness began to spread through her ankle.

'So,' Ben said. 'Would you like to tell me what happened?'


So she did.


'That's one hell of a story,' Ben remarked when she'd finished. 'You know, Arobynn and I nearly went out of our minds when you hadn't returned after an hour, little sister.'

'Where's he now, then?'

'He's outside,' Ben said, jabbing a thumb towards his door. 'You might want to speak to him.'

Celaena bit her lip. 'Okay. I'll find you later.'

Then she eased on her boot, and tried her best to avoid hobbling to the door.

Ben was right. Arobynn's shadow was cast upon the floor, and Celaena lifted her gaze to meet Arobynn's.

Moonlight lighted the silver in his eyes till they were molten - burning.

Celaena slowly shut Ben's door behind her. Arobynn jerked his chin to her foot. 'Trouble?'

She nodded. 'Guards.'

'You had me worried,' he said - if not a little tightly.

'I'm here, though.'

That seemed to banish the rigidness immediately, and Arobynn - as if he could no longer hold in his vexation - growled, 'Celaena, I had sent you out on a mission - unable to track you down when you were supposed to have returned two hours ago!'

She resisted the urge to fidget.

'You need to be more careful,' he hissed, hand unwittingly moving for her shoulder. They both seemed to notice at the same time, and Arobynn withdrew his arm quickly. 'Get yourself cleaned up,' he said in a gentler voice. 'Get some rest; go easy on your ankle tomorrow.'

And then he eased round her and walked into Ben's room, leaving Celaena stood outside with a very puzzled expression on her face.

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